I would disagree with the idea that unions are outdated. My dad works at Canada Post, and the amount of help he's gotten from his union is absurd. His bosses are a bunch of dicks who reprimand him for retarded reasons, blow him off when he complains, only to cave the second they see a union rep. I'm not talking him messing up and getting yelled at normally. I'm talking them trying to reprimand him for taking a sick day when he was completely entitled to one due to, you know, actually being sick. Note that they do this every single time, even if he has a doctor's note. He has gone higher up as far as he can go, but nothing has changed, so his only recourse is getting the union in there to straighten the bosses out. The bosses have also tried to suspend him for refusing to deliver a house with an unchained, extremely angry dog in the yard, tried to call him in for an interview after he got three hours overtime for sitting in a cab that was stuck in traffic on the highway on the way back to the station, and a whole host of other things that he was either allowed to do or were beyond his control. He has 25 years of seniority, apparently the people with less are treated even worse. Going higher never helps, so the union does.
This is my only personal example, but to me, it's the reason why unions should still exist. No matter how many labour laws may exist, there is still a lot of potential for screwing over workers.