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I never take the TTC i take taxi's all over the place. These poor taxi drivers need the money most work 12 hours a day with the price of gas skyrocketing these taxi's drivers need every penny they earn.
Penalty Box:

Going on strike isn't the issue so much so as going on strike, without warning, at 12 in the morning and leaving riders stranded in a potentially unsafe environment. That has nothing to do with "socialists".

lol @ this "back to work" legislation. If theres no new agreement, some silly piece of paper isnt going to stop this union from causing mayhem on Monday Morning. I also wouldnt be surprised if the union threatens a mass resignation if they are ordered back to work.
Arg, it makes me so mad that it happened this way! What's the most effective way of venting your frustration toward the union?

No point calling the fare collector names, as they had nothing to do with the way that this unfolded.

No point treating myself to a free ride because that would penalize the TTC itself, and not the union.

No point boycotting the TTC, because ultimately I benefit from using it.

What should we do?
No point calling the fare collector names, as they had nothing to do with the way that this unfolded.

Well, given 65% of the members who voted cast their ballots against the deal, I'd say they are at least partially responsible for this mess.

Or better yet, look up Amalgamated 113 in the Yellow Pages.

Well, since they've rejected a rather generous proposal and decided to go on strike, I think it's fair game for the city to be nasty when they do decide to come back to the bargaining table. No job protection, no full pay for sick leave, pay raise par inflation, merit pay, contracting out, layoffs, etc should all be on the table.
It's more than fair game.

The city was offering such a generous contract to avoid a strike. As as strike was not avoided, then there is no need to be as generous.

Had after the strike vote, Kinnear threatened to strike for Monday, he could have spent the weekend getting a few concessions. As it stands, I don't see why the city would negotiate, or even offer what had already been on the table.
I think that it would be appropriate if the City pared back their concessions, halved the wage increases, refused to budge, then had the province declare the TTC an essential service to prevent future job action (theoretically). Give the Union what they now deserve.
Wow. Lotsa anger here. Why? Folks you need therapy. Now.

I usually just walk around everywhere--a pleasant 1.5 hour walk from high park to the Eaton Centre; but usually, just about an hour's walk to either the Annex or Queen West/Ossington. No big deal at all. In fact, if you're curious like me, you'll discover new streets, new alleys you've never been through, new people, new houses, new neighbourhoods....

Relax, and enjoy an Urban Toronto!:)

[TTC workers are human beings too: there's probably at least 100,000 people in the GTA directly or indirectly related to a TTC employee; give them a break, ok. It's the Sabbath after all--walk....:)]
According to the TTC it is better protect some guy who is operating a streetcar from an skinny angry student than to make sure that a woman gets home safely at midnight in the middle of the city! My God...imagine if some woman got raped or something last night because she had to walk home? Imagine the outrage....
Technical question: if the strike ends, how long would it take to "fire up" the system in order to restart it? i.e. if it ends Sunday, will it be up and running Monday?
Wow. Lotsa anger here. Why? Folks you need therapy. Now.

Sorry urbandreamer, your sentiments are very nice but I think most Torontonians have a right to be angry today. In fact, I would question anybody who wasn't at least a little angry.

A few thousand people are holding an entire city hostage, rejecting what is by almost all accounts a very reasonable contract offer because of what appears to be an internal union struggle. They did so in an abrupt, reckless manner by dumping thousands of people out of their vehicles at midnight and leaving them stranded with no route home. These riders who are being inconvenienced and abandoned are the very same ones who will be paying for these very generous deals through the fare box and their taxes.

The final straw is that Kinnear, when announcing the strike, appeared to blame transit riders themselves for the strike by calling them "angry and irrational". This is an insult to all riders, and should effectively erase any last shred of support the general public had for the transit workers.

Another fact that makes this very difficult to stomach is that many TTC workers (including those who perform unskilled, unspecialized tasks such as ticket taking) earn far higher wages and enjoy far superior benefits than many other Torontonians, including those who have spent years in university and college learning specialized skills in an effort to secure their futures. I'm a software developer who has seen many tech jobs outsourced to India during the 10 years since I graduated. I deal with this issue by keeping my skills up-to-date and providing services to my clients that overseas workers cannot. I do not have the luxury of striking or holding 1.5 million innocent Torontonians hostage to prevent my industry from outsourcing.

Myself, I feel betrayed. I voluntarily gave up my car to use transit, and I am always a great supporter and defender of public transit. Today I feel foolish; the "cars first" and "public transit is for poor losers" crowd has been proven right today. I think we should be relieved that so far the anger of Torontonians has been limited to online discussion forums. Alternative means of venting anger may not be harmless, or so easy to brush off.
Clearly many people on UT have never worked in "working class" job environments. People are humans, remember. Many TTC drivers I've chatted with are in fact immigrants with engineering degrees unrecognized in Canada, so gave in and got the best job they felt they could get. It is true that some TTC employees, just like some professors at the UofT, some Hedgefund managers, etc are lazy incompetent pieces of garbage. But, the majority are there to do their job.

Anger should be directed at the TTC's educated senior management--they are the ones asleep at the wheel.

While your comments are a bit harsh, that's exactly my feeling. Bob Kinnear's excuse for pulling service because of "irrational" customers just shows what they think of the customers and taxpayers. So stranding people is supposedly safer than getting people home and ending service with that 48 hour notice, or even after the end of regular service to get night shift people home and perhaps get clubbers and others a change to head home early?

In the last illegal strike, which was the product of the same extra-militant maintenance non driving workers in the ATU, the same excuse of worker safety was dragged out, even though the reason was the change in maintenance worker schedules.

Blame the victims is the name of the game in the la-la world of the ATU. Remember, they're $1,000,000 heroes, and we're all out to assault them.
