Senior Member
And yet the new service routing is very inconsistent. Although service from the 501L is supposed to terminate at Queensway and Ellis (which is yes, just bad service planning outright), it's not uncommon to see streetcars terminating at Roncesvalles in the late evening and overnight which results in riders being stranded to go further westbound until:To make rider experience even worse, they decided to terminate the 501L bus at Queensway and Ellis. At least with Roncesvalles you had the option to take various other routes once the bus terminated, but now you're stuck. It is very poor planning and adds a lot of time to people's commutes.
a) a 501 Humber streetcar finally comes by which picks up those passengers, and dumps them off again at Ellis, or
b) a 501L bus from Dufferin comes by and takes those passengers all the way to Long Branch
To be frank, the TTC has been screwing with 501 passengers for the past 20+ years, but what's been happening with the service for the past 10 years is absolutely unacceptable and ridiculous to say the least.