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I noticed excavation and construction fencing in Seton across from the twin Marriotts. Anyone know if something is finally moving ahead in that dirt lot?
I saw some development plans a while ago for more retail here including a Long and Mcquade but I can't seem to find them anymore. Seton's website does seem to confirm the Long and Mcquade on their map at least. I had also seen other development maps showing another hotel for the south half of that block too.

I noticed excavation and construction fencing in Seton across from the twin Marriotts. Anyone know if something is finally moving ahead in that dirt lot?
I don’t know where the Marriott hotels are, but the project might be listed on the skyrise map
Right now only showing three developments.
I added a couple of projects to the database and they're now on the map. Not sure if those are the fenced area you're referring to @O-tac In the next lot over I think there's a school planned.
I don’t know where the Marriott hotels are, but the project might be listed on the skyrise map
Right now only showing three developments.

How did I not know about that function until now!?! Thanks for sharing. There's actually 3 projects I had no idea about. They must have been doing utility work because the site they were excavating is a block away from those projects. The cabins looks promising:


This on the other hand looks like its trying way too hard and I bet the wood material is some imitation paneling that looks like crap. Fucking NORR! Why does Brookfield rely on them so much?

I added a couple of projects to the database and they're now on the map. Not sure if those are the fenced area you're referring to @O-tac In the next lot over I think there's a school planned.

Thanks Surreal! No this is the lot that has excavation occurring:,-113.9564743,3a,75y,137.45h,94.94t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s47ef7FRaN67tIBHbLKEvzA!2e0!6s!7i13312!8i6656

I also noticed a weird one on that map in the middle of the industrial parks at 44 st.: Forest Place. Is that location a mistake? I drove by this morning and there are no empty lots at that intersection. There's Barlow Crossing which was redeveloped nearby but that's all commercial and retail and industrial. The rest of that area is a wasteland. I didn't think zoning would even allow people to live there?

Edit: Here's another weird one in an industrial area:
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saw some development plans a while ago for more retail here including a Long and Mcquade but I can't seem to find them anymore. Seton's website does seem to confirm the Long and Mcquade on their map at least. I had also seen other development maps showing another hotel for the south half of that block too

Well that's disappointing to waste such a prime lot on a Long and McQuade. Seton's retail has been one compromise after another it seems. I was also under the impression it was going to be a hotel.
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I also noticed a weird one on that map in the middle of the industrial parks at 44 st.: Forest Place. Is that location a mistake? I drove by this morning and there are no empty lots at that intersection. There's Barlow Crossing which was redeveloped nearby but that's all commercial and retail and industrial. The rest of that area is a wasteland. I didn't think zoning would even allow people to live there?

Edit: Here's another weird one in an industrial area:
Some of those don't have an exact address and end up floating in the middle of somewhere on the map. Probably something that was found a while back, and has been shelved.
Oh that's fantastic! Thanks for finding that! Excited for the Food Hall. Just wondering what happened to the 'main street'? It looks like the only retail is going to be on that intersection. The way it was originally pitched was a mini 17th ave pedestrian fashion district / market street. The rest just looks like straight condos with no retail. Obviously better than it currently stands, but still. I miss Strongbow's updates.

Also, I drove past that area at lunch and it does seem to be major utility work as they've dug it up all the way through that area.
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It's hard to tell from the renderings, but it seems there is more retail going in along Market Street. Mind you I think most if not all of the Market Street property is owned by Brookfield, it looks like they might be planning their own smaller retail street. Also looks like The Cabins and Market Street Block D have retail on Main, so maybe the plan is still to make a high street there.
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As we're into budget time, and seeing these other posts... I wanted to add this article, a lot of things we already know on here but nice to see it in an article on a place that has the reach the CBC does. Typical suburban development is not good for cities (finances and livability).

SFHs are becoming unaffordable

In some ways that's sad and too bad (if you're raised to think 'success' is a SFH and having multiple cars) but in other ways it is a very good thing if you're an existing rate payer in the City of Calgary. It means your tax dollars will go further in the future. Currently, and using the city's current formula, SFH communities do not pay anywhere near their fair share of taxes. Basing taxes off of property value subsidizes suburban SFHs long after the communities they're in are subsidized for their initial development. As the article points out suburbs are essentially a loss for the city which is made up for by taxes on businesses and more urban communities. When will councilors and MLAs (because I know it will require a change to the municipal government act) be willing to change how property taxes are collected to more evenly share the cost? I don't think a lot of people know the disparity in dollar per service a urban community pays versus a suburban community.

Edit: As darwink says it does not require a change to the MGA.

My idea is changing the collection to be based community cost sharing of services where density is rewarded and proper the cost of service delivery is more accurately allocated is a much more fair approach. Take a community like Cranston versus Marda Loop, if you apply the same cost to provide services to the same geographic area, the community with more people per square kilometer should pay less. By doing this wouldn't you also incentivize people to not be a development NIMBY? More "oh development, that means less taxes, good" and even "ugh another development, I'm willing to pay more taxes to keep my community SFHs".

And because it's in the municipal government act, bedroom communities would also be incentivized to make their communities more dense. Sure people who really want a SFH will still get one, but at least the property taxes will be more evenly spread, 'let them eat cake' as they say.

Edit: darwink's post below makes this more of a problem as the bedroom communities of Calgary could benefit from my proposed change.

we’ve come a long way, and makes me feel hopeful.

There is some hope, as BKah says downtown is much more dense and will continue to add more rate payers per square kilometer and although I know you're talking about downtown specifically, the north part of Seton will dense-ish and there is decently dense development happening in Springbank Hill and West District. So there is suburban hope too.
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