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I wonder if getting Church Street under the Gardiner and rail corridor will be prohibitively expensive.
It is not going to be possible for this to happen for years and will certainly be expensive if it ever occurs. Like the allowances made at Front and Simcoe decades ago this will allow it to happen IF it is feasible at that time. The Lower Simcoe underpass was, will Church and Cooper? Who knows?
Public meeting:

Good morning,

The City of Toronto is requesting that the Toronto and East York Community Council amend the Official Plan to protect the lands required for the Cooper Street Extension (also known as the Copper Street Tunnel) from Lake Shore Boulevard to The Esplanade, underneath the Metrolinx Union Station Rail Corridor and for the property at 55, 75, 85 The Esplanade and 1, 2 Church Street. For further information regarding the public meeting, please refer to the attached Notice of Public Meeting.


Request to Amend the Official Plan Application

No. 17 180165 STE 28 OZ

Location of Application: 55, 75, 85THE ESPLANADE AND 1, 2 CHURCH STREET

Applicant: City of Toronto

DATE: Tuesday, November 14, 2017

TIME: 10:00 a.m. or as soon as possible thereafter

PLACE: Committee Room 1, 2nd Floor, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West


Toronto and East York Community Council will receive input and review the proposal and any other material placed before it, in order to make recommendations on the application. These recommendations will then be forwarded to Toronto City Council for its consideration. You are invited to attend the public meeting to make your views known regarding the proposal. You may also submit written comments. If you wish to address the Toronto and East York Community Council in person or in writing, please contact:

City Clerk, Attention: Ellen Devlin, Administrator, Toronto and East York Community Council, 100 Queen Street West, 2nd Floor West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2, Phone: 416- 392-7033, Fax: 416-397-0111, e-mail:

To assist with scheduling, you are requested to call the City Clerk’s Office by 12 noon on November 13, 2017, if you plan to make comments at the meeting.

Special Assistance: City Staff can arrange for special assistance with some advance notice. If you need special assistance, please call 416-392-7033,TTY 416-338-0889 or e-mail

Detailed information regarding the proposal, including background information and material and a copy of the proposed Official Plan Amendment may be obtained by contacting Anthony Kittel, Project Manager at 416-392-0758, or by e-mail at

Lisa McDonald

Support Assistant

City Planning, City Hall

100 Queen Street W.

18th Floor (East Tower)

Toronto, ON M5H 2N2

Public meeting:
This has slowly been working through the bureaucracy. The site plan for 75 The Esplanade were changed to allow for the link BUT as stated in the Lower Yonge thread there are certainly no immediate plans to build this link. If/when the Green P garage is rebuilt then there will obviously be serious thought given to this; the OP change coming to TEYCC is to leave the options open.
Connecting Cooper to Church would be really cool. Looking at the map I don't understand how it'll be possible though. But I like the changes proposed. Waterfront west of Yonge is dominated by giant blocks and a random street grid, It'd be good to try and make the east side more urban and walkable and human scaled.
Connecting Cooper to Church would be really cool. Looking at the map I don't understand how it'll be possible though. But I like the changes proposed. Waterfront west of Yonge is dominated by giant blocks and a random street grid, It'd be good to try and make the east side more urban and walkable and human scaled.
Yes, exactly what the Lower Yonge Precinct plan is proposing.
I wonder if getting Church Street under the Gardiner and rail corridor will be prohibitively expensive.
It will certainly not be cheap as it would be a longer tunnel than Lower Simcoe - which cost many millions. Nobody expects to see it done for many years, the current actions are cost- free and aimed at making it POSSIBLE.
Just like I don't know how they'd extend Trinity Street to connect with new streets in East Bayfront. But perhaps something to discuss in the USRC thread.
It would be done in exactly same way the Lower Simcoe equivalent was made a decade ago. Slowly excavating under the rail corridor. The actual building is straightforward- paying for it is not.
It would be done in exactly same way the Lower Simcoe equivalent was made a decade ago. Slowly excavating under the rail corridor. The actual building is straightforward- paying for it is not.

I'm still having some trouble visualizing this. Given the TCHC building is outlined in red, the Green P in green, and the entrance in purple, would they remove the Green P entrance in purple and use that space for the roadway? I assume they'd need to dig down a little to create the clearance space? Any support columns in the way? So essentially, the TCHC portion requires no changes or demolish?

[QUOTE="Allandale25, post: 1268915, member: 807" So essentially, the TCHC portion requires no changes or demolish? [/QUOTE]

No, there is vague talk of totally redeveloping the TCHC block and the Green P block as part of an improved TCHC complex - probably with market rent units added. It is clearly not happening soon (if ever) and all the LYPP and the OP change coming to TEYCC says is that the possibility of the link should not be removed. Nothing to see here, time to move on.
no, the existing plans for 75 the Esplanade already provide the required road widening to protect for a Church Street underpass.
no, the existing plans for 75 the Esplanade already provide the required road widening to protect for a Church Street underpass.
Yes, as passed by Council in October:

"Along Church Street, the proposal includes a 3.8 metre land conveyance for the Church Street widening to accommodate the future Church Street/Cooper Street tunnel. In addition, the building would be setback a further 2.2 metres at the ground level only along the Church Street frontage. It is anticipated that the curb would be shifted westward as part of the future Church Street extension and tunnel. This additional setback would allow sufficient width for a sidewalk, trees and bicycle lanes on both sides of Church Street, should the tunnel be constructed. At the site plan approval stage, a pedestrian clearway will be required along the east façade of the building, within private property, along the Church Street frontage."

Here is the preliminary cost info from Report to TETCC for November 2017.

"The recommendations in this report have no financial impact. There are, however, longer term financial implications related to the construction of the proposed Cooper Street Extension. Construction costs are projected to be $67 million, not including property acquisition costs, as specified within the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment.

Should the timing of the Cooper Street Extension be required in the shorter term, the General Manager, Transportation Services would be responsible for identifying funding sources from internal and external sources and for submitting the appropriate request under the Capital Budget process."
Last edited:
After several years of studies and many many meetings the Lower Yonge Precinct Plan EA is completed.

Public Notice

Lower Yonge Precinct Area
Municipal Class Environmental Assessment
Notice of Study Completion

Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto have jointly completed a Public Realm Concept and Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) study for the Lower Yonge Precinct Area. The objective of the study is to identify the infrastructure needed to support redevelopment of the Lower Yonge Precinct Area.

Following consultation with regulatory agencies, City Divisions and the public, the following are the study’s key findings, accepted by Waterfront Toronto and the City of Toronto:

  • Convert Harbour Street to two-way operations between York Street and Yonge Street.
  • Eliminate the eastbound Bay Street on-ramp to the Gardiner Expressway.
  • Shorten the eastbound Lower Jarvis Street off-ramp from the Gardiner Expressway.
  • Eliminate the Harbour Street S-curve at Yonge Street and normalize the Yonge Street / Harbour Street and Yonge Street /Lake Shore Boulevard intersections.
  • Provide an additional eastbound lane on Lake Shore Boulevard East from Yonge Street to Lower Jarvis Street.
  • Construct a new north-south street between Cooper Street and Lower Jarvis Street.
Opportunities for review

The study was carried out following the requirements for Schedule C projects under the Municipal Class EA. An Environmental Study Report (ESR) has been placed on public record for a 30-day review period starting May 31, 2018 and ending June 30, 2018. It is available for review online at or at:

City Hall Public Library, 100 Queen Street West, 416-393-7650
St. Lawrence Library, 171 Front Street East, 416-393-7655

**Please call or check online for hours of operation**

If you have any outstanding issues with this project, please address them to the project team members listed below and we will attempt to seek a mutually acceptable resolution. You have the option of sending a written request to the Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change to make an order for the project to comply with Part II of the Environmental Assessment Act (referred to as a Part II Order) which addresses individual environmental assessments. A copy of the request must also be sent to the City and Waterfront Toronto contacts below. Please note: the last date when these requests can be received is June 30, 2018.

Tara Connor, Waterfront Toronto
20 Bay St., Suite 1310, Toronto, ON M5J 2N8
Tel: 416-214-1344 ext. 285
Fax: 416-214-4591

Jeffrey Dea, City of Toronto
City Hall, 100 Queen St. West
Toronto ON M5H 2N2,
Tel: 416-392-8479

The Honourable Chris Ballard
Minister of the Environment and Climate Change

77 Wellesley St. West
Ferguson Block, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON M7A 2T5
