Why not - it only carries 800 cars northbound in the peak AM hour. Yonge is double that. And Simcoe was added recently. There's excess capacity at Sherbourne, Parliament, and Cherry. In PM peak it only carries 684 in peak hour. (I have to wonder if the constraint there is the overpacked Gardiner/Lakeshore, and the south feeders just wait for it - so reducing 1 or 2, really wouldn't change much.
Meanwhile the current streetcars alone can carry over 2,000 an hour. Presumably this at least doubles with the expanded loop and more services.
My comments are what being said to me and got the same reaction tonight when I talked about closing Bay to traffic.
Based on the numbers we did on QQW, it supported the removal of 2 lanes and no different doing it to Bay.
I pushed for a review of my 2008 recommendation for Bay and going back to the team to be looked at, since Bay has to be look at in the first place.
What got me on Tuesday as well tonight, how low the inbound ridership was compare to the 2008 numbers that were higher for the QQE back then. QQE was close to 2,000 with about 1,500 for QQW for a combine of 3,500. Talk about skewing number to met a different out come.
The link wasn't sent to any stakeholder and we were inform of the link at the meeting. I was expecting it to be held up until tonight.
Need to read Steve Munro site Tuesday, as he will be cutting this study up nicely.
Other than the Union Loop, no issues with what been proposed since it has already been approved during various EA's. Bathurst is a nice touch, but kill the left turn at Bathurst for Lake Shore. I get the rest of the QQW that I call for in 2008.
The big question, Where is the money going to come from to built these lines as well when???
TTC opposed any grade crossing for any of the tunnel option underground and prefer to be on the surface as an east-west line. You can build the east section first just short of Bay St and keep the loop open while it been built. Once everything is ready to connect to the west line, you close the line down for a few months to fill in the ramp and portal. You then make the final connection between the 2 section.