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News release:


News Release

Ontario Cuts Red Tape to Unlock Development and Create New Jobs
July 20, 2018

New Lower Don Project Will Help Bring Over 50,000 Jobs to Toronto
TORONTO - Ontario is cutting red tape to support new office and retail space in Toronto's Lower Don area and helping to create more than 50,000 new jobs, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing Steve Clark announced today.

"By reducing Ontario's regulatory burden we're smoothing the way for the first of many projects in the Lower Don area and sending the message that Ontario is open for business," said Clark. "Making a simple change in the Building Code specific to the Lower Don Lands means construction can happen at the same time flood protection infrastructure is being put in place. To protect health and safety, the Building Code amendment also prevents the buildings from being occupied until the flood risk is removed."

The Lower Don area is a prime location for development, with plans for new waterfront parks, open spaces, green infrastructure and brownfield remediation. Planning for a new integrated GO/Smart Track transit station is also underway. Streamlining provincial approvals with the City of Toronto will bring the project to market faster and will enable private and public infrastructure construction that will add an estimated $5.1 billion to the Canadian economy.

"We're making government work harder, smarter and more efficiently to make life better for the people of Toronto and everyone in the province," said Clark.

Conrad Spezowka
Communications Branch

Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing

© Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2008 - 2018 99 Wellesley Street West 4th floor, Room 4620 Toronto ON M7A 1A1
Just sent out by Kristyn Wong-Tam's Office!

City Planning just let us know that it appears Zoning Orders have been issued by the province for a number of sites in the West Don Lands:

Once you open this document, click on the tab titled Regulations. It will bring you to the page where the zoning orders are listed.

O. Reg 596/20 applies to Blocks 3, 4 & 7. Has UT Thread

O. Reg 595/20 applies to Blocks 17 and 26. Can't see a UT Thread

O. Reg 594/20 applies to Block 20. Has a UT Thread
Just sent out by Kristyn Wong-Tam's Office!

City Planning just let us know that it appears Zoning Orders have been issued by the province for a number of sites in the West Don Lands:

Once you open this document, click on the tab titled Regulations. It will bring you to the page where the zoning orders are listed.

O. Reg 596/20 applies to Blocks 3, 4 & 7. Has UT Thread

O. Reg 595/20 applies to Blocks 17 and 26. Can't see a UT Thread

O. Reg 594/20 applies to Block 20. Has a UT Thread

The old West Don Lands Block Plan has Block 17 as the Dominion Foundry - though I am not sure if it is like the current Block 20 referred to here (which is actually part of Block 8)


EDIT - yup, Block 17 is the majority of the old Block 17; Block 26 is the NW corner:


Interesting how the MZO is allowing a max of 3 buildings (presumably including the two heritage structures), and max. height is 141m (about 50% taller than River City 3 at ~100m). Now just why would it be so specific when there is no proposal in the city pipeline?

Last edited:
Not quite sure where to put this but the West Don Lands Committee (an umbrella group for many local groups) has just published their calculations on the whole West Don lands housing.

WDL Development Block Status & Affordable Housing Estimates as of Sept 2023 (with residential and ARH estimates)

(Bold =
Affordable Rental Units
(Bold =
1Bressler (library service centre)Data Centre inactive
Bressler Data CtrBuilt00
2WChrysler DealershipEnd of Lease – 2033?
3,4,7Dream/ Kilmer/
Tricon Mixed-market rental - PLAHP pilot
Under construction855
30% ARH for 99 yrs
5WCherry & Front across from Y - Rekai at Cherry – LTCMZO –
Site plan approval
348 beds
6WMill Paper Fibre
18 Trinity
8WTriangle Trinity & Frontn/an/a
8Canary Landing
South of Mill Street - Dream/Kilmer / Tricon
PLAHP pilot
Occupancy underway
Mixed-market rental

30% ARH for 99 yrs
9TDSB School Site Mill & BayviewTemporary expropriation till for Ontario Line staging
10Anishnawbe Health Toronto – health centre and Indigenous Hub, market condos & rentalUnder construction206 condos
237 rentals
11Canary District CondoCompleted3690
12Canary Commons CondoUnder Construction400
13Canary District CondoIn development~ 8590
14YMCA/GBC student residenceCompleted500 rooms0
15Affordable rental

Wigwamen 145
Fred Victor 108
16ECanary Park CondosCompleted4290
16WCanary Block CondosCompleted1870
17 + 26Dominion Foundry buildingsUnder development~1038~256
25% of GFA ARH for 40 years
18Underpass parkPark land00
19River City Phase 4Completed1580
?River City Phase 3Completed3330
20DKT – Mixed Market rental + commercialin abeyance due to mkt conditions~653
21TCHC – King/Lower River/St. Lawrence – family and seniorsCompleted243
22River City Phase 1&2Completed598
Built (excluding GBC)

Projected (excluding GBC and Rekai)


1436 (19%)
A working group is forming a new Association for the West Don Lands / Canary District area — that is, the area bounded by Cherry Street, the railroad tracks, the Don River, and the north side of Eastern Avenue/Trolley Crescent.

If you live or work in the West Don Lands / Canary District area, please take their survey to help them decide what to name this future neighbourhood association.


