Stupid would be saying he was one of those reptilian aliens covertly taking over the planet.
Truth is, we don't really know who John Tory is, because he's just a big facade.
He was a prominent backroom guy for 20+ years. (So everyone knows about his involvement with the Kim Campbell campaign, Mel Lastman etc.)
He was a radio host for, what, about 5 years?
In between he was the leader of the opposition party in Ontario and chaired one of the biggest civic organizations in the region, has received awards and served with (in various capacities) many other major non-profits in the city and beyond.
The guy's a member of the Order of Ontario....I mean really.
If you can't figure out who he is, it may say more about your research skills than his alleged non-persona.
There are many legit criticisms of Tory but "I don't know who he is!" strikes me as the most pathetically ineffectual of them.
I'll go further and tell you what's even sadder when it comes to Chow-ites baffled by his success. What impresses me, is someone who doesn't prattle on about party pigeonholes: "I won't vote for Olivia because she's NDP!" etc. People who jump to conclusions based on labels; that bugs me.
And so here comes Tory who, as Chow reminds us, is a Conservative. And he is getting endorsed, all over the place, by prominent LIBERAL politicians, while she is reduced to strongly-worded endorsements from the star of Road to Avonlea. (I'm being a bit facetious as I totally respect Sarah Polley, btw.) But do we think it's GOOD that Tory is crossing partisan lines and that the Liberal premier seems to like him? No - we think that's BAD. We think it's SUSPICIOUS that a Conservative and a Liberal would collude. Voters should think hard about what this means, that people of different political stripes would even DARE to interact.
I expect better from the "progressives." Much better.