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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Vaughan actually sent out material "fighting for Toronto" quoting money promised for various initiatives, of course he failed to mention his deafening silence about Toronto's councilor reduction, at the behest of Toronto-hating Trudeau. When Vaughan had his movie night on The Esplanade in the summer he had his volunteers come out a few hours before and spruce the place up, paint touch ups on the lamp posts and collecting garbage, all bedecked out in fetching pro-Adam tshirts. Colin must be rolling over in his grave.

I miss Adam Vaughan on council. His prickly personality and smart aleck approach worked better in the non-partisan council chambers. It's embarrassing to see him carry water for Trudeau.

Bloc and ndp are surging and with that Trudeau chance of a majority are collapsing.

Bloc are surging, NDP is up but not exactly surging. They might be able to eek out a win Davenport and Danforth, and save a few seats in Quebec, but they are almost certain to have less seats than 2015.
Election laws need to be updated to deal with these fake news stories, severe life threatening fines or jail time would be nice.
Also, maybe add a provision that your party and it's candidates wont appear on the ballot unless you actually release a platform.
Most voters these days dont care about a platform as they never follow it

Electoral reform?

Only 10 billion in debts?

Frankly I dont look at the promises of leaders as a voter...

More judge on the leade because I been lied to much by these politicians.
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They don't need much else.

Not if they want a majority..or finish with 160 plus seats.

Trudeau is not really inspiring people this election it seems at all.

He needed to sweep Quebec to make up for loses in english canada and that is not happening
Most voters these days dont care about a platform as they never follow it

Most voters are, to put it kindly, dumb.
Doesn't mean the rest of us should cater to them and not expect our politicians to lay out what their plans and values are before voting for them.
Most voters are, to put it kindly, dumb.
Doesn't mean the rest of us should cater to them and not expect our politicians to lay out what their plans and values are before voting for them.
Calling voters dumb for not believing politicians is an own goal lol

I think people dont mind the liberals but really dislike the cult of personality that party has over a rather mediocre leader whose claim to fame is being born to a former welled liked pm.
Calling voters dumb for not believing politicians is an own goal lol

I think people dont mind the liberals but really dislike the cult of personality that party has over a rather mediocre leader whose claim to fame is being born to a former welled liked pm.

If @picard102 were running for office, or the spokesperson for a political party you might have a point.

Otherwise I don't think he's hurting anyone's chances by expressing this opinion.

Ergo, not an 'own goal'.

Its also not entirely inaccurate.

In my experience, most adult Canadians aren't ''stupid' the way most people use the word; they are, in fact, ignorant. (meaning they lack the required information to form intelligent opinions)

This is true of many high IQ voters who have a good education and demanding jobs; never mind those for whom that is not true.

Not reading a platform is a very poor idea, though very common.

Before you go on about lies...........we don't disagree that many told, but the truth is most parties, including the current one in power in Ottawa deliver on about 80% of what they promise, in full.

Partially on another 10%.

That last 10% can be a bitch.

But there's lots of good information in those documents to inform a voter about what they are likely to get, or not, from a given party. I would dare say, far more useful information that you will get listening to a party's leader, most of the time.

It is absolutely a fair critique that many people make up their minds not only about politics but a host of other things without all the facts at their disposal; and are quite often wrong as a result.
However the issue is you guys say policy should only matter.

However Do you see the flaw of having huge personalities in power...they consume the conversation.

Like a lot of people voting liberal or conservative this time are doing so based on what they think of Trudeau.

That is why I say platforms don't matter as most people care about the leader.

Like I dont mind the liberal policies but just cant stand Trudeau as a person...

Unsure thinking ndp or tory right now.
Like a lot of people voting liberal or conservative this time are doing so based on what they think of Trudeau.

Which is why the CPC are refusing to release their platform. They know it's going to turn off a lot of Red Tories who can't stand JT, but will vote Liberal when the policy is a dogs breakfast.
Which is why the CPC are refusing to release their platform. They know it's going to turn off a lot of Red Tories who can't stand JT, but will vote Liberal when the policy is a dogs breakfast.
It is a working electoral strategy but seems and as I said most people dont care about platforms.

Last Ontario election was ...fuck the Ontario liberals ...and nothing else.
Best liberals get a minority and Trudeau leaves the party in a year.

He has become a distraction to the progress of this nation.
And many regret electing a party without a platform.

How many times did the Ontario liberals not follow their platforms?

Yet once again no one is really paying attention to platforms this election.

Sure parties follow parts of it but many many high profile electoral promises have let many people bitter over the years.

As I said why follow a platform if parties never follow them...its just a marketing ploy to sell a product.

It's not a document that has any significance legally...therefore to me and many it has no value.

Like if this election was about platforms why is Trudeau not getting a majority? It's because people dont like him personally..
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How many times did the Ontario liberals not follow their platforms?

Yet once again no one is really paying attention to platforms this election.

Sure parties follow parts of it but many many high profile electoral promises have let many people bitter over the years.

As I said why follow a platform if parties never follow them...its just a marketing ploy to sell a product.

It's not a document that has any significance legally...therefore to me and many it has no value.

Like if this election was about platforms why is Trudeau not getting a majority? It's because people dont like him personally..

Platforms are nothing more than a bribe to get people to vote for the party they represent. A party could claim they would slash income taxes by 20%, eliminate the GST/HST and give free health and dental care to all Canadians while capping prices on all goods sold in Canada along with instituting a basic income coupled with a national minimum wage.

This would win alot of votes but it would also bankrupt the country so no sane person would ever actually follow through on the sort of platform I mentioned above if they ever tried it.

The thought of it however would win people votes. Voters are like sheep.. if you tell them a good story they will vote for you.. then you lead them to the slaughterhouse.
Sure parties follow parts of it but many many high profile electoral promises have let many people bitter over the years.
When you count backwards, the biggest promises where likely:
2015 - balanced budget by 2019. X
2011 - balanced budget by 2015. ✓
2008 - don't recall a major promise.
2006 - cut GST by 2%. ✓
2004 - don't recall a major promise.
2000 - no main promise - they just dropped the writ early because they figured they could win
1997 - no main promise - they just dropped the writ early because they figured they could win
1993 - eliminate the GST. X
1988 - US Free Trade. ✓
1984 - control debt. X

I'd say about half the major promises were kept.
