News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Most of his supporters have doubled down actually. They knew he has flaws but they dont care...he is the chosen one...

a lot of the older immigrant vote is still voting for him based on his last name

Have they? If that was the case he wouldn't be struggling to win the election.

Every party has supporters that will vote for their candidate no matter what they've done.
Whether you like the leader or not is one thing - not having a party platform out this late in the election game is problematical, especially if one want to talk about substance. You can't suck and blow at the same time.

It worked for Doug because he embraced an ideology of populist anti-intellectualism

I think even voters across the aisle hold Scheer to a higher standard. The lack of platform is disappointing, period.
I think even voters across the aisle hold Scheer to a higher standard. The lack of platform is disappointing, period.

Oh I am sure there is one, they probably just don't want to give anyone time to scrutinize it in detail. Another aspect that should be enshrined in electoral laws.

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Jesus christ.

Honestly looks like those "Love Wins, but use Protection!" public health ads you occasionally get on the subway.

I like many Liberals, but I really can't stand the stale hacks like Judy "they love him for his blackface" Sgro, and I don't understand why they parachuted a plutocrat like Bill "Cufflinks" Morneau in a downtown riding with a concentration of poverty and social issues. If I lived in some of the neighbouring ridings, I'd probably like my Liberal MP. Not here.
