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So the gist of it seems to be she affirms still essentially holds the same opinions, but in the future will try not to use a word quite as offensive? It seems more like a non apology apology.
while true - sadly - i think that's too narrow an interpretation.

the real gist of it is that she is still running for the legislature under the ucp banner.

this means that both danielle smith and the ucp are prepared to continue to condone and promote the holder of such odious views as a prospective member of their caucus.

this means that both danielle smith and the ucp either share johnson's odious views or they're prepared to sacrifice any and all principles they might hold that would oppose those views for the simple sake of attaining and maintaining power. neither of those things should be acceptable to any voter with a conscience and a sense of basic human and social decency.
In what alternate reality in what alternate world could Danielle Smith reach this conclusion from a report in this reality in this world that determined she breached Section 3 of the Conflicts of Interest Act with the Commissioner further reserving the right to impose sanctions once the Legislature reconvenes!

It’s as if the Commissioner’s actual report on her actions - noone else’s actions - somehow doesn’t say what it actually says and somehow says things it clearly doesn’t.


I just had a friend forward me the following quote:

“I can only presume when they drafted the law in 2006, lawmakers assumed that being found guilty of a violation of the Conflict of Interest Act would be so egregious, that the offender would face serious political fallout or even be forced to resign. So much for that. The problem is, without consequences you can be sure it will happen again.”

This was Danielle Smith on August 23, 2019 which, as we all know, is ancient history in her alternate universe and we’re not supposed to take her at her word for anything any older than 24 hours.

Still, it’s hard to believe how prescient she was on this file and how she managed to co-opt the starring role for herself so effortlessly.

Danielle Smith says it’s time to “depoliticize” LGBTQ issues during debate??? What she really means is she really just doesn’t want to talk about it.

Why is it that whenever she or her party are on the wrong side of anything, she wants to depoliticize it (ie not talk about it), decline to answer questions because it’s before the courts (ie not talk about it), leave it in the past even if the past was barely yesterday (ie not talk about it), scapegoat someone else (ie not talk about it), dismiss it for being imprecise language (ie not talk about it)…

She and her party and their candidates are the very ones who politicized in the first place through their words and their actions and/or inactions.

And all of it should be talked about in depth before the election so we know where they really stand and what they’re more than happy to accept.

If that’s politicizing LGBTQ issues - and anything else that makes them uncomfortable because of what they say and do and believe - and that’s what it takes to resolve those issues in the light of day, then it’s about time and what better time than during an election.
Smith tried dodging issues at tonight's debate.
Have to give her credit on that, she is an excellent dodger. No doubt from years of practice.

Like when she says things the Ethics report proved those accusing her were liars to distract or confuse us.

It actually did not. It concluded she broke the rules. One of my nick names for her is double down Dani.

When she gets caught out, she spins an even bigger one to try get out of it.
Is this conflict-of-interest for Danielle Smith?
