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"We've got a lot of support that we need to get to the City of Edmonton in dealing with their public disorder and mental health and addictions crisis." (emphasis added)

Perhaps our elected City Council, our elected MLA's, or someone else, can explain yet again to the provincial government about cuts to provincial funding that led to cuts in policing and other things.

Municipalities are funded by the province and the province controls most of the financial parameters within which they operate, so really it is not their problem it is our problem.

In addition I also believe dealing with mental health and addictions is primarily a provincial responsibility, as are things like adequately funding full time permanent shelter spaces.
in this situation i'm not sure how huge a difference it is...

they got some seats in calgary because they managed to stem a complete collapse in their base but there was still a massive exit from their previous support levels.

they were shutout in edmonton because they failed to garner enough support to attract any exit from their opposition's support levels.

in both cities i would posit that their policies and performance are simply not attractive (and attractive is more than just being nominally acceptable) to urban voters.
Yeah, I don't think our one lone UCP MLA was such a stellar effective advocate for our city. The result just makes clearer what was already evident.
Mayor Sohi agrees with @Glenco

Consult who?! An idiot Madu, who was never qualified to be a minister, a recent immigrant who never had any full time work experience in this country, let alone judiciary. And some questionable education from Nigeria.

It will sure get worse before it gets better.
Consult who?! An idiot Madu, who was never qualified to be a minister, a recent immigrant who never had any full time work experience in this country, let alone judiciary. And some questionable education from Nigeria.

It will sure get worse before it gets better.
He must have been one of those millionaire Nigerian Princes who had money locked away and if he found some poor maidens to give him some of their money - then he would bestow millions upon those who helped him "unlock his riches?"
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As much as I agree that Madu is an idiot, calling him these things, questioning his education (when he graduated from the top university in his home country) and implying he is less than something due to that is pretty xenophobic, and VERY arrogant, at the very least. He was in Canada for 14 years prior to his election as an MLA in 2019, which hardly makes him "a recent immigrant".

As someone who's a recent-ish immigrant, these kinds of comments are VERY offensive and makes me genuinely question the character of whoever says these things. If these are not retracted, I'll be reporting it to moderation.
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Maybe you should also stop putting words into my mouth I never said or meant. Or I will call it homophobic and report it.
As much as I agree that Madu is an idiot, calling him these things, questioning his education (when he graduated from the top university in his home country) and implying he is less than something due to that is pretty xenophobic, and VERY arrogant, at the very least. He was in Canada for 14 years prior to his election as an MLA in 2019, which hardly makes him "a recent immigrant".

As someone who's a recent-ish immigrant, these kinds of comments are VERY offensive and makes me genuinely question the character of whoever says these things. If these are not retracted, I'll be reporting it to moderation.

Quote: Iveson, Don: "He was a bilious creature to deal with," Iveson told CBC News Tuesday.

Bilious / affected by or associated with nausea or vomitting.

So it's not like we're making this stuff up.....
"Questionable Nigerian education" were your exact words. Top university in the country, one of the best in the continent, it is anything but questionable. If you can't see how this comes across as xenophobic, you have an issue.

I don't feel good about Madu representing anyone, anywhere, because he's an idiot and corrupt (call to the Chief of Police is the prime example), but using his background as an immigrant and questioning his education using the argument you did is absolutely unacceptable.

You can't come and spill these kinds of comments attacking someone based of his nationality and expect to be met with cheers.

And I dare you find something homophobic I said, to report it.

Quote: Iveson, Don: "He was a bilious creature to deal with," Iveson told CBC News Tuesday.

Bilious / affected by or associated with nausea or vomitting.

So it's not like we're making this stuff up.....
I am no lover of Kaycee Madu, and I agree that he is the worst kind of politician, and probably not a very good person either, but attacking him using his nationality is not acceptable.
I am no lover of Kaycee Madu, and I agree that he is the worst kind of politician, and probably not a very good person either, but attacking him using his nationality is not acceptable.
listen man, just drop this. I never said anything about his nationality. And Nigerian education is CORRUPT! And so he is.
There are approximately 2.8 million eligible voters in Alberta and the UCP received 927,000 votes which is 33% of eligible voters and 52.6% of votes actually cast. The NDP received 776,000 votes which is 28% of eligible voters (16% less than the UCP) and 44% of votes actually cast. On a pure percentage of the vote basis, 52.6% would result in 46 seats and 44% would result in 38 (with the other 3.4% given to "others" in the form of 3 seats) which is not that far off the actual results of 49 UCP and 38 NDP.

At a 61% overall turnout, it's also not a "pretty bad turnout". It's nowhere near Singapore's typical mid-90% but it's quite a bit better than Luxembourg. It's on a par with Canada nationally and with US presidential elections
It's harder to find comparable provincial or state statistics than national ones.

The interesting thing for me is whether the NDP can continue to consolidate "the centre" and not embrace the far left the way the UCP has embraced the far right. I thought they ran a reasonably competent campaign with one exception - they had a strong economic platform (even with their nominal hike to business taxes) and I don't think they were nearly strong enough in presenting it. It was as if they simply ceded that ground to the UCP (ground that the UCP certainly didn't earn or deserve) rather than aggressively present their own plan...
Good points here. As to your last point, the NDP campaign reminded me a bit of the failed Clinton/Kaine campaign in 2016. Hillary spent way too much time pointing out how flawed her opponent was and how unsuitable to be president--to the extent that voters were telling pollsters they didn't think Hillary even had an economic plan because she spent all her time talking about her opponent's character. This seems to be the same mistake the NDP made, not focusing enough on bread-and-butter issues instead of on the flaws in the UCP and Danielle Smith's leadership.

It's also interesting that only very slight changes in vote totals in a few places (several Calgary ridings for the NDP, Michigan and Wisconsin for Hillary), would have resulted in a completely different outcome for the entire election.
^ And I guess this is how Smith is going to do it and that way she can include some more ucp viewpoints into the mix (not to mention the payroll) because clearly that's what Edmontonians want and need. 🙄

But maybe she deserves some credit here for at least including Edmonton and we'll see how this goes?

Doesn't anyone remember 1993? The same concerns were raised when Ralph Klein won the election but every Edmonton seat (and most surrounding seats) went Liberal. Local residents and politicians expressed the same fears that Edmonton would be "shut out" of decision-making. If I recall correctly Klein decided that he would "buddy up" certain of his MLAs from other areas with Edmonton ridings to give them a voice. Interestingly, The PCs won back some Edmonton and area seats in 1997 and won an even greater number in 2001.
