I agree that the old Zelda's needs to be torn down and turned into a new danceclub!
I read an interesting article recently in NOW re: the demise of Toronto's 'clubs', and how they're being replaced with smaller local-pub types; ie: Queen West. I've been spending a lot of time out there recently (Beaver, Beaconsfield, Wrong Bar, Drake, Soacial.. til it closed?).
Fly is ok on DanceCamp/Grapefruit nights, but there really isn't anywhere for the younger, new generation of gays that can't appreciate 90's dance or 2000s house. They want 2000s dance/top 40.
Another problem in the village is the new influx of douchie neighbours.. you can't even drink on Crews' patio past 11pm.. wtf!?
Tear down the ugly Zelda's shell, build a great dancehall, and play a good mix of music.. I'm sick of the same shit at every club all the time. What about a rock night!?