Ah, pedestrian rage. I know it. Specifically:
- People who talk on cell phones while walking. You can spot these people miles ahead, arm crooked, staggering unpredictably all over the sidewalk and walking at half the speed of everyone else. Anyone looking for evidence of why cell phones should be banned in cars need look no further than the nearest sidewalk.
- The "if I pretend I don't see you, I don't have to give way" move. I'm pretty short, and tall people do this to me a lot. As we're approaching each other from opposite directions, they suddenly crook their necks up, so their line of "vision" goes over my head, and then come straight at me pretending they "can't see me". I used to dodge, but I got tired of always being the guy in the ditch while everyone else walked straight. So now I have occasional collisions. Oh, well.
Really, these complaints, and the million other scenarios in this thread, just come down to simply being aware that there are OTHER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD. If everyone just accommodated a bit, then it wouldn't be such a big deal.
I know, silly fantasy.