Likely reality for cities all across North America:
San Jose mayor says large gatherings 'are not realistic' until 2021
April 21, 2020
Businesses across the country may slowly begin to resume operations in the weeks and months ahead, but don’t expect large conferences or sporting events to return until next year, at least in California’s Bay Area.
Speaking to Yahoo Finance, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo said the idea of large gatherings of people is “not realistic” until 2021 in the absence of wide scale testing and a vaccine for COVID-19.
“I’m telling folks who are promoting events in the summer and the fall, I wouldn’t invest any money in those right now,” Liccardo said. “We could be in it for the long haul with those kinds of events.”
The assessment from the mayor of California’s third-largest city echoes that of leaders across the state. Last week, Governor Gavin Newsom unveiled a detailed six-point roadmap to modifying the state’s stay-at-home order,
saying mass gatherings would be “negligible at best” without herd immunity.
"Large-scale events that bring in hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of strangers all together across every conceivable difference, health and otherwise, is not in the cards based upon our current guidelines and current expectations," he said.
Los Angeles Mayor
Eric Garcetti confirmed his city is also unlikely to authorize events such as sports, concerts, and movie premiers until 2021.
Businesses across the country may slowly begin to resume operations in the weeks and months ahead, but don’t expect large conferences or sporting events to return until next year, at least in California’s Bay Area.