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Air Canada temporarily suspends US transborder flights

Apr 21 2020, 9:58 am

Air Canada is suspending scheduled transborder service to the United States after April 26 due to an agreement reached between the Canadian and US governments to extend border restrictions for an additional 30 days.

Service is anticipated to resume as of May 22, so long as there are no further governmental restrictions implemented beyond that date.

The airline is also waiving change fees for customers with bookings affected during this time, giving them the opportunity to reschedule their trips without incurring any additional fees.

Ok, I could put this in a nature thread...........but I feel entirely confident this sight is entirely related to Covid.

I've seen lots of wildlife over the years, more in the City than most would imagine.

But I've never seen this particular species at this particular location.


Apparently the Beach is a total hotspot for non-human wildlife...............found this.......

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Monkey see monkey do. Once one store did it they all copied. I still bring reusable bags, i just keep them hidden in my coat pocket, and i put the items in my reusable bag on the street. The plastic bags aren't durable for walking home form the store.
We just put everything back into the shopping cart after paying and pack our reusable bags at the car. Simple enough. My car-less friend walks to No Fills with her bundle buggy and just skips the bags, putting it all back into her buggy loose and walking home.
The reason I was told by the store manager was because they have a policy where the customers are no longer allowed to self-baggage. The cashiers baggage items, and not using reusable bags reduces risk to cashiers.

I call BS on that. Metro still allows the self checkouts and customers should be told to use the self-checkout only if they want to use reusable bags. I have bought milk and attempted to carry it home in a plastic shopping bag. The bag was sagging so much with the milk inside that I was worried it would break.
From CP24:

This pandemic is really bringing out the idiots, assholes and those that think they’re funny.
And then there's this prof:

Mohawk College instructor tells students to ignore physical distancing amid COVID-19

Mohawk College has launched an internal investigation after an instructor told students to ignore physical distancing measures, just like he does.

John Weber, an instructor who teaches the Java programming course, posted an online announcement for students on Thursday about how he disagrees with physical distancing rules amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I do not stand 6 feet away from people. I will not be mind controlled (sic)," he wrote.

"I voice my opinion in supermarket lines, and everywhere I go."

In the message, Weber assigned students the dystopian novels, George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World. He also encouraged students to protest, socialize and "get out and enjoy" the nice weather.

"I urge you to do research and to think for yourself and question everything the government tells you," he wrote.

"What is happening now is criminal. I urge you to write to college officials, your government representatives, local, provincial and federal and voice your disgust on how they are handling this situation."

They’re not all worker drones. Many own small businesses and have employees that depend on them.

Sure, but I was specifically speaking about those who are "drones"...though, indentured labourers might be a more apt term at least for those who aren't debt-free.
And then there's this prof:

Mohawk College instructor tells students to ignore physical distancing amid COVID-19

Mohawk College has launched an internal investigation after an instructor told students to ignore physical distancing measures, just like he does.

John Weber, an instructor who teaches the Java programming course, posted an online announcement for students on Thursday about how he disagrees with physical distancing rules amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

"I do not stand 6 feet away from people. I will not be mind controlled (sic)," he wrote.

"I voice my opinion in supermarket lines, and everywhere I go."

In the message, Weber assigned students the dystopian novels, George Orwell's 1984 and Aldous Huxley's novel, Brave New World. He also encouraged students to protest, socialize and "get out and enjoy" the nice weather.

"I urge you to do research and to think for yourself and question everything the government tells you," he wrote.

"What is happening now is criminal. I urge you to write to college officials, your government representatives, local, provincial and federal and voice your disgust on how they are handling this situation."

A Java programmer moaning about being mind-controlled. Cuuuute.
I have only gone to my local Metro grocery store, but they have banned reusable bags. They have reverted back to plastic bags.

I've only gone to my local Metro and have been using my own bags, the last time being less than a week ago.
And yet we're living in the most peaceful times ever. Says something about our ancestors, eh? Savage bastards, that lot. ;)
Canada has been fighting since the end of the Second World War, usually stomping some poor third world bastards.

"Korean War (1950–1953)"
"Congo Crisis (1960–1963)"
"Persian Gulf War (1990–1991)"
"Somali Civil War (1992–1995)"
"Bosnian War (1992–1995)"
"Kosovo War (1998–1999)"
"International Force for East Timor (1999–2000)"
"Afghanistan War (2001–2014)"
"Libyan Civil War (2011)"
"Military intervention against ISIS (2014–present)"

Just look at that list. Why did Canada care: who owned Kuwait in 1990; or about Gaddafi or the next Arab tyrant that replaced him; or what the Taliban were doing, or what they're still doing since the west is now negotiating with them; etc???

But let's bring it back on topic. Covid19 is likely to rip through the Middle East and all the camps of displaced persons. Should we pull the Canadian SpecOp forces from the region?
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The issue is both America and Canada have not experience an invasion or conflict internally for a long long time.

Like we have not had 5-10% of our population killed through war as they did in Europe.
