News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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Looking more closely at the trend lines.

We're somewhat fortunate (thus far) that severe cases (ICU) are up modestly.

But hospitalizations have more than doubled in the last week which is not a positive trend at all!

Up 16 today to 128 province-wide.

This number is still manageable.

But the trend is not.


Of further note, 344 of the cases were in Toronto; the source of most case growth in the province.
You missed the memo! The Ford government has an answer. Rather than shut down restaurants, its time to open casinos, that will lure people away from the restaurants!

Well, that's literally taking a gamble. The house *always* wins. Anyways, this rise is probably baked in - and the worst of the rise is yet to come given the lag. Sorry Ford/Ontario blew it.

750 in Québec would represent almost 1,300 here, so we have a way to go.

Since hospitalizations can lag by a couple weeks, the current numbers shouldn't be too comforting.

Ford said repeatedly he wouldn't hesitate, but that's all he is doing right now. What is he waiting for?
I can understand the frustration people have with the pandemic and pandemic measures but the reality (and my realism drives my wife crazy) is we just have to live with this now and just keep incrementally improving our covid-19 protocols personally, organizationally, and as a society.

We are not putting this genie back in the box. This “second” wave is NOT the last wave. People will continue contracting Covid-19 for the rest of everyone reading this’s lives; however, the severity of societal impact of each successive wave will diminish.

In a previous post I suggested that regardless of the amplitude of cases this wave I would hope and expect we could as least half the number of deaths each wave. That would end the pandemic (not covid-19) in Canada by fall 2021
I can understand the frustration people have with the pandemic and pandemic measures but the reality (and my realism drives my wife crazy) is we just have to live with this now and just keep incrementally improving our covid-19 protocols personally, organizationally, and as a society.

Except that we did nothing of that sort - and we had 6 months to prepare. Heads should roll for this.

AoD, we weren’t prepared and we haven’t done enough since but my point was people shouldn’t give up and at the same time we should openly accept the reality: There will be several more waves even after this one.

After this wave it stands to reason there will be another in January 2021. There may be a high baseline of cases separating this wave with the January wave (we will not be driving this down like the summer.

I was speculating if there may sadly be a massive wave AFTER mass vaccine inoculation in 2021. Why after? Because it seems less than 10% of the population is infected each wave. If the vaccine is 80% effective and uptake is as low as polls suggest there will still be plenty of dry tinder to feed the fire as people go all summer of love 2021
As we make our first tippy-toes out of the second wave-induced lockdown, seeing 700 cases a day and you're still not locked down... I can only look from afar in horror.

Culturally, we may be different re: tolerances for the virus in Australia and Canada but to put things into perspective, daily cases in Victoria were barely above 100 when we trialed localised/suburb (neighbourhood) lockdowns that showed they don't work and then we went back to stage 3 for the entire metro area and by the time masks were made mandatory for everywhere outside your place of residence we were peaking just over 700. Masks seem to flatten the curve but slowly, it's only when the stage 4 lockkdown (really hard lockdown that we're now 8-9 weeks into) that the curve was smashed downwards to 5 cases yesterday and 10 today, a few hundred active cases versus 7000, 7-8 weeks ago.

The numbers you are getting are giving me anxiety. Good luck.
As we make our first tippy-toes out of the second wave-induced lockdown, seeing 700 cases a day and you're still not locked down... I can only look from afar in horror.

Culturally, we may be different re: tolerances for the virus in Australia and Canada but to put things into perspective, daily cases in Victoria were barely above 100 when we trialed localised/suburb (neighbourhood) lockdowns that showed they don't work and then we went back to stage 3 for the entire metro area and by the time masks were made mandatory for everywhere outside your place of residence we were peaking just over 700. Masks seem to flatten the curve but slowly, it's only when the stage 4 lockkdown (really hard lockdown that we're now 8-9 weeks into) that the curve was smashed downwards to 5 cases yesterday and 10 today, a few hundred active cases versus 7000, 7-8 weeks ago.

The numbers you are getting are giving me anxiety. Good luck.

No kidding. Australia has been consistently more aggressive at dealing with the pandemic than we are - and the results show it. Like we never even had a curfew imposed back in March/April - much less now. Protests against control measures were met with arrests, not softball "we don't want to escalate" bullshit like they were here.

As we make our first tippy-toes out of the second wave-induced lockdown, seeing 700 cases a day and you're still not locked down... I can only look from afar in horror.

Culturally, we may be different re: tolerances for the virus in Australia and Canada but to put things into perspective, daily cases in Victoria were barely above 100 when we trialed localised/suburb (neighbourhood) lockdowns that showed they don't work and then we went back to stage 3 for the entire metro area and by the time masks were made mandatory for everywhere outside your place of residence we were peaking just over 700. Masks seem to flatten the curve but slowly, it's only when the stage 4 lockkdown (really hard lockdown that we're now 8-9 weeks into) that the curve was smashed downwards to 5 cases yesterday and 10 today, a few hundred active cases versus 7000, 7-8 weeks ago.

The numbers you are getting are giving me anxiety. Good luck.

Public tolerance for a hard lockdown is way less then Australia.

Canadians are not Americans but we are way into indvidualism then other nations.

A hard lockdown won't work in canada as we still have people traveling into the country freely and have far more community spread.

We would just being on and off lockdowns since April then.

Best we do targeted controls and keep it a manageable level.

Australia is looking to eradicate the virus.

Our goal is to keep deaths minimized.
