News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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From reports Red Cross has been offered to Toronto/Peel and Ottawa but Ontario has to put in a request which they have not done yet.
Well, people are back to hoarding paper towel thanks to this second wave....
Just a few thoughts..

Only groups of 2 for restaurants from different houses (lets not stop people dating lol)

Personally I don't give two s***s about a person's love life when it comes to protecting the general population from a deadly pandemic. If I have to choose between going on a date and getting sick (or everyone else sick) or staying home, I will stay home. Anyone who is more concerned about going on dates than their own health needs to give their head a shake.

- People can go in larger groups if they in the same house (a family).

Yeaaaaa there is no way to prove that everyone in the same party is from the same household. Just because someone shares the same last name doesn't mean they are living in the same household. That is a loophole that people would exploit in an instant.

- Ban Banquet hall parties but keep civil weddings open or religious places open.

Again, NO! Civil weddings can be quite large while banquet halls can be cramped with bad ventilation. Even City Hall has small chapels.

Mosques and temples are hard to control in some cases. They are all about the communal experience while cramming people into warehouse style buildings with poor ventilation. I know in Scarborough there are some light industrial buildings that are turned into mosques which were never designed with pandemics in mind.

Allow me to use the example of the cleric from New Delhi who stated that "a muslim is never impure and cannot impart an impurity to another muslim". People were using this to claim that covid was not a big deal and packing themselves into a mosque because of what their cleric said.

See here:

The point I am trying to make here is that diehard religious fanatics or sects will deny that covid is a threat and go against all by-laws along with their own safety in the name of their faith. Some places of worship are cognisant of the fact that Covid-19 is a threat but not all of them do leading to mass infections.

-Put all kids over grade 9 online only.

students should be online. I know it is an inconvenience but living across the street from an elementary school I see how many parents and students are in close contact coming/going at the start and end of the days. The rooms are tiny, students cannot distance properly and while the TDSB is doing their best they are not really doing much.

Schools like Martingrove CI have 5 cases but remain open and should have been closed.

The other thing too is that if parents or students are infected it puts the neighbourhood at risk when they are coming and going. All it takes is for me to brush past an infected student or parent walking my dog and I can get sick. If students were online only this would not be an issue.

This is a pandemic not a snowstorm, students should be relegated to only online studies.

Before anyone says masks are mandatory, how many 4-12 year olds actually wear masks like they are supposed to? When I was that age I wouldn't.

Well, you see you said people should not date anyone or try to continue a romantic relationship for 6 months to a year. Thing its natural for humans to seek out the company and a life partner so expecting everyone to not do that till spring is just not gonna happen.

Now a lot of people have stopped doing that for a few months but now there is no end in sight and well people are doing some harsh math in my head "put my life on hold for a bunch of old people or not"

Like you also said all students should be online, well not everyone can work from home and just live off amazon prime either.

My point we need to reach a fine balance here and suggesting everyone lockdown till spring, wont happen.

We are reaching the social end of this pandemic.
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Well, you see you said people should not date anyone or try to continue a romantic relationship for 6months to a year.

and people wonder why more and more people are just stopping to care about COVID 19.

We are reaching the social end of this pandemic very fast i think.

I don't really give a crap about anyones relationship. If it is not strong enough to withstand a pandemic and social distancing it is in serious trouble.
I don't really give a crap about anyones relationship. If it is not strong enough to withstand a pandemic and social distancing it is in serious trouble.
so you saying if someone was in a relationship before the pandemic they should not see each other till next spring?


spoken like a reddit doomer.

It does not matter what you think, its about people personal self-choice here.
I don't really give a crap about anyones relationship. If it is not strong enough to withstand a pandemic and social distancing it is in serious trouble.
That seems a tad selfish (and unrealistic)! Can we assume that you either have no significant other or already live with them? The point about reducing contacts is to REDUCE CONTACTS. If two people (who live separately, but alone) meet that seems fine to me (and good for their mental health); if each lives with 4 or 5 others it's not so good as you are exposing 'the other' to lots more risk.
Well like this week the chief doctor of Toronto told everyone to not leave home for essential reasons...

but the restaurants in my area were still pretty busy...
Well like this week the chief doctor of Toronto told everyone to not leave home for essential reasons...

but the restaurants in my area were still pretty busy...
Which is why indoor dining and drinking needs to be paused for a few weeks. One can never reduce risk to zero but being indoors with others nearby (unmasked because they are eating/drinking) is really not a good idea. Eat/drink at home or, if you must, outside.
Which is why indoor dining and drinking needs to be paused for a few weeks. One can never reduce risk to zero but being indoors with others nearby (unmasked because they are eating/drinking) is really not a good idea. Eat/drink at home or, if you must, outside.
yeah, i think people will just dine at home with friends I think instead really.

Not justifying it but as the resident 'yute' here, a lot of people my age in April were posting IG messages staying home now are just I dont care anymore.
I have little sympathy for people who think public health restrictions are too stringent, and especially for love birds who want to be together at all costs while the world burns.

I waited five years for my partner to be able to even set foot in Canada, one more to get married and two more for his permanent residence to be approved (and during that wait, he was often turned back at the border). Guess what: I survived. I'm confident this pandemic will be a lot shorter.

In the meantime, things will most likely get worse, so transmission must be controlled - including for the vulnerable, who cannot be reliably protected at all times. I've got three members of my family, including my mother, in long-term care in Québec, and my husband, my best friend and his husband who are also vulnerable for various reasons, and actually so am I. I don't want any of them to die of this disease because of the negligence of a bunch of self-centered idiots, and if it takes heavy-handed repression to knock some sense into them, so be it.
I have little sympathy for people who think public health restrictions are too stringent, and especially for love birds who want to be together at all costs while the world burns.

I waited five years for my partner to be able to even set foot in Canada, one more to get married and two more for his permanent residence to be approved (and during that wait, he was often turned back at the border). Guess what: I survived. I'm confident this pandemic will be a lot shorter.

In the meantime, things will most likely get worse, so transmission must be controlled - including for the vulnerable, who cannot be reliably protected at all times. I've got three members of my family, including my mother, in long-term care in Québec, and my husband, my best friend and his husband who are also vulnerable for various reasons, and actually so am I. I don't want any of them to die of this disease because of the negligence of a bunch of self-centered idiots, and if it takes heavy-handed repression to knock some sense into them, so be it.

well you can go ahead, but Canada won't go to the step to actually really stop people from behaving in certain ways.

Like is the govt gonna put up a roadblock and say "where you going?"

Like as i said the public is divided now, so forced compliance I dont think is going to be as effective as you think.
yeah, i think people will just dine at home with friends I think instead really.

Not justifying it but as the resident 'yute' here, a lot of people my age in April were posting IG messages staying home now are just I dont care anymore.
At least they would not be next to five other parties doing the same thing.
well you can go ahead, but Canada won't go to the step to actually really stop people from behaving in certain ways.

Like is the govt gonna put up a roadblock and say "where you going?"
Quebec has literally put up road blocks in the past and likely will again. The Maritimes are closed to outsiders. Canada as a whole hasn't, but it has happened regionally.
Quebec has literally put up road blocks in the past and likely will again. The Maritimes are closed to outsiders. Canada as a whole hasn't, but it has happened regionally.

no, you dont get my point. It's not about visiting other provinces, its like if I someone has a bf in the york region, is there going to be a roadblock to meet him on Steeles.

There won't be one. So that is why I think making rules about people not seeing others not really gonna work this time as much as in lockdown 1.

There is no punishment and the chance of any is very slim.

So that is why i think targeted measures are better now.
