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Remember early on when he reversed his Miller-era vote on the Jarvis bike lanes by saying he hadn't understood what he was voting for the first time?

Good grief, and these are the people who vote on things like transit that will influence the city for generations. Politics sucks.
Sorry - I love the way the forum software posts people as being "Senior UT Members" based on the number of posts they have posted even though they have been here for a couple of months and not a couple of years...

Still - nobody has refuted my post that Robbie appointed Kelly as the deputy or the fact that Ford Nation scatters like cockroaches when you set off a logic bomb.

I guess the Mayors office is closed for the evening ;) - or - they are all at Steak Queen.
I have to agree with Silence and Motion (I can't abbreviate your name without seeming slanderous ;-)

Kelly seems appealing in contrast to Ford. Though compared to Ford, the thug that towed my car last year is appealing. Kelly had always struck me as a hard-lined Ford supporter and tea party conservative type, because that's how he came across and that's how he voted.

Can we refer to Nenshi when we are looking for standards to measure against next time?

Or Cory Booker. That man is a superhero. Running into burning buildings, rescuing people trapped by snow and everything.
Crazy Town: The Rob Ford Story with Robyn Doolittle

In 'Crazy Town: The Rob Ford Story' Robyn Doolittle

o describes how Ford won the 2010 municipal election, despite generating controversy for years before and during his candidacy

o explores the Fords’ political philosophy, their unusual strategy in crises, the compulsion to keep dirty laundry hidden, and their quest to become a political dynasty orchestrated by Doug Sr. and his wife, Diane

o uncovers previously unreported details from new sources of the Ford family’s involvement with drugs

o tells the inside story of the major incidents involving Mayor Ford, including the Bier Markt, the Garrison Ball, the infamous crack-cocaine video, and Project Traveller

o looks at Canada’s archaic access-to-information laws that create a disturbing lack of transparency in the country, and the changed perception of journalism and the truth

o argues that Rob Ford can win the 2014 municipal election and why the Ford family are determined to remain a force in public life

WHAT: Crazy Town: The Rob Ford Story with Robyn Doolittle
DATE: February 13 - February 13, 2014
TIME: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
WHERE: AMC Cinema 2
10 Dundas Street East
OPEN TO: Open to Ryerson Faculty
CONTACT: Marsha Barber
School of Journalism
i want one of these magnets!




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Dougie, Dougie, Dougie... next time you pick a name out of your ass, make sure they were there...

Dougie credited Don Peat as the media who showed him Robbie's public performance at the Steak Queen.
Enough already about Kelly taking a "vacation" in the middle of the ice storm. The man spent Christmas dinner with his last remaining sibling, probably the last Christmas he will spend with her, and he traveled there and back within 24 hours. Anyone who travels knows how stressful that would be at the best of times, let alone for a man in his 70s. And, please....I'd take Kelly as a spokesperson for our city over Ford anytime. The man speaks with clarity, dignity and respect. Is it too much to ask that our mayor be well spoken? Apparently it is....

Point taken. I obviously didn't do enough homework on that particular issue. Again, he looks great in comparison to Ford, but he's not mayoral material. I don't think the mayor of Toronto should be musing over the latest conspiracy website he read on climate change denial.

Still - nobody has refuted my post that Robbie appointed Kelly as the deputy.

What's there to refute? I wasn't sure what the point of your post was - unless you are interpreting my criticism of Kelly as a defense of Ford. It's not. I'd take Kelly over Ford any day. That doesn't mean I think Kelly is a good mayor.

Despite my criticisms of Kelly, I really want to believe that his grandpa-like demeanor hides a scheming, Machiavellian mastermind who was plotting his ascendency from obscure city councilor to Mayor of Toronto back in 2010 (a la Francis Underwood in House of Cards). That all of his early support for Ford was just a way to win Ford's trust and an appointment as deputy mayor - realizing that the deputy mayor would eventually be put in charge of the city once Ford managed to get himself removed from office. Throw in a revelation that it was Kelly who convinced then-deputy mayor Doug Holiday to run for MPP, and the political mini-series writes itself!
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Ford finally responds to some of the Anthony Smith allegations... sort of. What are empty threats of legal action usually a telltale sign of with this guy? And looks like the mayor helped Warmington scoop another reporter's story about two ex football players being behind the prison attack on MacIntyre.

Oh, look! Robbie Bobbie is threatening to sue again! It takes a lot for him to want to sue someone, don't ya know? Like, how about never?
Ford finally responds to some of the Anthony Smith allegations... sort of. What are empty threats of legal action usually a telltale sign of with this guy? And looks like the mayor helped Warmington scoop another reporter's story about two ex football players being behind the prison attack on MacIntyre.

WOW. Good job Rob. Doesn't just about everything he bothers to deny, turn out to actually be true shortly after?

And here I was thinking the council meeting was going to be all the fun today...

preview of the $60M in savings that was $50M yesterday (And actually adds up to $35M - I LOVE FORD MATH)

One (rhetorical) question about the 3.1M in Library fines... How do you collect them from renters?
Never mind that all of these things had already been dismissed in committee.

Sources said Ford will be asking council to direct staff to find private sponsorship to cover $19 million in Pan Am Games celebrations, start charging a minimal fee for the city's Welcome Policy to raise $2.5 million, to ask the province to allow the city to tack on unpaid library fines to property tax bills, to cut city council's $3.1-million general expense budget and to use $3.5 million garnered from tax assessment growth to drive down the property tax levy.

The part about the library fines made me laugh, for some reason.
Oh, look! Robbie Bobbie is threatening to sue again! It takes a lot for him to want to sue someone, don't ya know? Like, how about never?

It's hilarious. Fast trivia: The sovereign nation of Kuwait has filed as many lawsuits against Toronto citizens as Rob Ford. What does he think he can sue for, "picking on me"? And he misses the whole point of the Smith thing which is that the charges were dismissed for ANOTHER "ongoing investigation," so it's not a question (at least right now) of whether he was involved in Smith's murder but rather whether the people who were have any dirt on him. What a maroon.

He THINKS the picture was a coincidence? What's with that? It's just like this guy who got killed and Rob Ford happen to hang out with the same crack dealers? Sure, why not. Besides, why would anyone (except Warmington) believe he would speak a word of truth about this at this point? He's going to tell Warmington, "Yeah, we did have to give Scotty a bit of a beat-down but he was running his mouth!" ??

the idea that he keeps calling Warmington every day and Warmington runs whatever crap the mayor boohoos to him about is nearly as offensive as this whole budget strategy he has, keeping his "secret" savings until the last minute precisely so he can lose each motion 44-1 and campaign on it. Over $12 on a tax bill.

The list is a good laugh too. Corporate sponsorship for Pan-Am! What a novel idea! I bet nobody thought of that! Knock $60K off the travel budget? That should do it! Have more lower-paid people at Toronto Employment, just on principle? Mos def! Don't hire two people making $44K in planning? That's what the taxpayers want! (Seriously - how much time does he have on his hands to even find something like that??). Penny ante, chickenfeed, small-minded....
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The part about the library fines made me laugh, for some reason.
Same here. Are there really $3.1 million in unpaid fines? And what to do about renters? How much it would cost to do this? I hope these are questions that are asked (and Ford won't know the answer, I'm sure).
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