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sorry if this is old news but I was asking about the person who said RoFo's new office is in Wexford Heights and now I see the address is 2082 Lawrence Ave E.

Toronto , ON, M1R 2Z5

416 751- (Ford) 3673 Must be warming up to Scarborough
sorry if this is old news but I was asking about the person who said RoFo's new office is in Wexford Heights and now I see the address is 2082 Lawrence Ave E.

Toronto , ON, M1R 2Z5

416 751- (Ford) 3673 Must be warming up to Scarborough

Yep, one of a few the Fords are opening. Ford needs the votes to replace the votes he has lost the the Etobicokian ridings, and Scarburbians are first.

The Fords are running scared, and they are reaching out to those who dismiss the Fords' attitudes, or share them.

IMHO, when all is said and done, the Ford brand will not be able to obtain any office but pissing people off or just on their criminal activities.
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I can't be the only one who's still totally mindblown that Sandro Lisi carries around weaponized bedbugs, right?
I can't be the only one who's still totally mindblown that Sandro Lisi carries around weaponized bedbugs, right?

Here's how I'm imagining it play out

From the Star story: Lisi "was involved in another accident in February 2013 and told the assessment clinic that he now suffers from vertigo as a result."

So he has still been driving while suffering from vertigo? I've had vertigo for both short and extended periods. That's not a time to be driving.

yeah right vertigo. What Lisi probably means is that he gets so coked out of his mind he can't tell up from down.
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yeah right vertigo. What Lisi probably means is that he gets so coked out of his mind he can't tell up from down.

Vertigo!, let me tell you. He's been suffering from 'committing insurance fraud'. Story says, he got a payout for "post-traumatic insomnia" as a result of being rear-ended. Manages to get in another accident and now it's vertigo? Come *on*.
As it's becoming increasingly inevitable that Rob Ford's opponents will fight amongst themselves and propel Ford into the Mayor's chair, what do you think Toronto will look like in 4 years at the end of his term?

Will development stall? Will the province give up on Transit City? What services do you think will be cut? Will festivals like LuminaTO and NuitBlanche collapse from lack of support from City Hall?

Let's make some realistic predictions. Please discuss.
It'll be fine, nothing noteworthy will occur.:)
The "best computer guy in the country" had the site live on the public internet while he was designing it:

As someone who's done a good amount of web design since the 90s, this is not uncommon. That said, never use a publicly visible URL. In my case, I'll create a subdomain on one of my sites with a fairly random name like "" and that way clients can be shown the work in progress, without requiring the giving out of passwords (and thus creating security gateways that could be exploited), etc.

Of course, I create custom wordpress themes and plugins for my clients, and stress test all sites. But I did want to say that I don't think he made an error in having a live dev site. His error was assuming it wouldn't go public.
I've been whimsically wondering: come the inevitable (?) fall of the empire, I'd *love* to see the inside of Doug Ford's house. Not Rob's (which is probably a dump)--Doug's. The wretched excess within must be mind-boggling. (And of course, the I Hate The War types'd say "ur just jellus".)

By comparison, the Weston Wood family homestead actually has a certain Brady Bunch-era blue-collar-aristocracy "integrity", before everything had to be blingified to the max--the excess there'd be largely in the landscaping. (Shows the generational-value difference btw/Doug Sr. and Jr.)
Has anyone heard anything about the ITO proceedings? I can't find any media talking about it this morning.
Has anyone heard anything about the ITO proceedings? I can't find any media talking about it this morning.

The media lawyers are going in front of Justice Nordheimer today to argue for the release of the ITO.

It's not even 9am yet. I don't know that a single thing of importance ever occurs in a courtroom before 11am ;)
He has a 20 minute version of this on youtube. I've listened to it, and there's very little difference between him and Rofo. Rob may have the benefit of 3 or 4 extra IQ points, but it's the same level of a mind.

He may sound like someone who would be better off medicated and locked up in an institution, yet John Letonja is a Purolator driver, and running for Ward 6 Councillor. There's obviously something attractive about the mentally ill to the electorate. We just don't like them "slick tawkers" I guess.

He ran for MAYOR in 2010:
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