The one thing about holding a political fundraiser is that no matter how wealthy the candidate, it’s a litmus test of who *says* they will support you and who *pays* to support you. It helps separate the sheep from the goats.
Last Thursday’s weenie roast at Mom’s is likely to have fewer guests than claimed and even fewer paying ones. Further details are probably unnecessary.
We already know their former conservative “friends” like Hudak and Harper have not just left the building, but are seriously in hiding.
So let’s follow the money. If the low takings last week indicate that it would take serious Ford ca$h to run a campaign to win, at what point does FoFam fold its cards?
I tend to think in the FoFam dynamic, this would be seen as “spending all the money on Rob (again)” and probably not “defending the family honour” or some such nonsense. Besides, even if he did win, how long before he royally effs up again?
For all that FoFam $ outlay, what’s the return on investment?
There’s now the problem of scrutiny over Rob and Doug’s activities around city contracts, rent-seeking, insider information and council voting to benefit selected businesses and persons, e.g. Apollo, Donnelly, muzik, etc. There may not be much influence left to peddle. How can someone return a favour, if you can’t give ‘em one?
There’s rarely much pay-off in losing, but for FoFam in 2014 there may not be much in winning either.