Jackson ProskowVerified account@JProskowGlobal
"...the man said, while wearing a beige suit with a Doug Ford pin on his lapel." http://globalnews.ca/news/2171339/reporters-heckled-by-conservative-supporters-for-questions-about-duffy/…
Typical Ford Nation member lol.Now they will ask Doug Ford about this...
Typical Ford Nation member lol.
It all comes down to "taxes" for the FFN faithful.
Ivor Tossell
About this "Harper supporter" who went screw-loose on reporters today: I'm pretty sure he's also a noted pro-Ford wingnut from last fall.
http://www.cp24.com/news/police-identify-suspect-in-etobicoke-strip-club-shooting-1.2521974The shooting was allegedly sparked by a dispute or argument that occurred outside the strip club, which was hosting a nightclub-style event that night. Five paid duty police officers were working outside the club that night, Narine said.
After the Dec. 30 shooting, police decided not to provide paid duty officers for security any longer as the nightclub-style events there were “frequented by people known throughout the city for their involvement in criminal activity,” Narine said.
Omar, who is known to frequent the Rexdale area, and travel to and from Fort McMurray, Alta., was elevated from a person of interest to a suspect after new information came in from the community.
This has been verified.
Police identify suspect in Etobicoke strip club shooting