Senior Member
Mean? No, just optimistic.Hopefully, Diane will check out long before then.
Is that mean?
Mean? No, just optimistic.Hopefully, Diane will check out long before then.
Is that mean?
Hopefully, Diane will check out long before then.
Is that mean?
Is anyone watching the debate?
Is anyone watching the debate?
Never mind, it's done.
One hour for 10 candidates.
No worries, I'm sure the Torontoist will do a summary for us.
That was last night's debate. Tonight's was just as big a shit show.
https://www.thestar.com/news/city_hall/2014/09/20/ford_duo_wont_let_toronto_move_on_dimanno.htmlFord duo won't let Toronto move on: DiManno
We should be leaving Rob to fight his private battle, while we focus on a crucial election. But the Fords are still sucking up all the air in the room.
Meanwhile, Doug Ford, Ford Nation, et al are busy taking notes about what went wrong or right during the attempted coup in Turkey. See link.
Yup. I get slightly sick in the mouth when I listen (among others) to our sunny ways PM defending democracy in Turkey by defending Erdogan. Buddy, if you cared about democracy you'd send 'freedom' to Turkey ASAP.Maybe failed? I have it from a very reliable source that it was a staged coup. The flag waving people received their regalia through the mail with instructions from political party X days before the coup was launched.