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I had the same thought. That is big and closes the circuit on locations. I assume there will be bigger stories tomorrow once legal vetts them.

We will know tomorrow when the names of those arrested are released. I just find it strange that the CBC is the only outlet claiming 15 Windsor Rd. was raided and it is not even in the headline of the story despite the fact that if true - the raid on 15 Windsor would certainly be the most significant of all the raids.
I'm sure he's heard of the comments that supporters make such as "I don't care if he smokes crack, as long as he keeps our taxes low." That must be pretty empowering to him.

Edit: If he smokes crack... or did before he does not smoke crack.
Why anyone in his position would want to run for reelection is beyond me.

Have you heard anything about how long it will take for this to go to trial?

No, but we won't have to wait long. The police can't keep the suspects in custody without filing charges so important details will emerge at the preliminary hearing. Unless a judge wants the evidence sealed, the media will have access to it. With all that was seized today, expect a flood of incriminating details to begin surfacing.

I seriously don't know how Ford can withstand this kind of pressure. Maybe he's so out of touch with reality that he doesn't see the gravity of the situation he's involved in and the consequences he's about to face.
It didn't take long for details of police thuggery and incompetence to emerge from today's raid.

In a case of mistaken identity the police broke down the door of an apartment housing a young couple with two young children. The police goons did not have a search warrant and a young man was beat-up by cops who willfully damaged a laptop computer and set off flash-bangs in the apartment. Imagine how terrifying this episode will be for the small children - this will stay with them for life.

The conduct of these police thugs is far worse than the alleged conduct of Mayor Ford. Absolutely disgusting. And of course if the apartment actually housed bad guys any evidence recovered would have been thrown out in court due to the lack of a warrant.
But a re-election campaign seems delusional at this point. What politician would publicly support him and how could he finance another term? Council barely tolerates him now.
What surprises me is hearing that 15 Windsor was raided today as well. I wonder how the media didn't pick up on this considering how close it is to 320 Dixon. Also strange that only CBC is reporting that 15 Windsor was raided today. If it true this is very significant.

I don't recall CBC Toronto TV news mentioning this tonight. Perhaps someone writing for the website confused the raids today in the City of Windsor with the Windsor Road house in Toronto. I guess clarity will come with tomorrow's papers.
Metroman, it is called extreme arrogance and just like Conrad Black, it will lead to his downfall. It almost always does with his type. (rich, entitled, arrogant and corrupt)
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Holy crap - you left out the most important part!!!

"Toronto investigators knew about an ongoing relationship between Mayor Rob Ford and the men he's seen posing with in a widely publicized photograph that has ties to his alleged drug use, police sources tell CBC News."

The Toronto Star says that 15 Windsor Road was not raided today, completely opposite to what the CBC reports. There were definitely raids in Windsor, though.

Not included in Thursday’s raids was a home on Windsor Rd. near the Dixon apartment complex, a suspected crack house where the photograph was taken. It does not appear that any of the four residents of that home, Elena Johnson and Fabio, Lina and Mario Basso, were arrested.
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It didn't take long for details of police thuggery and incompetence to emerge from today's raid.

In a case of mistaken identity the police broke down the door of an apartment housing a young couple with two young children. The police goons did not have a search warrant...

Just for clarification, the police don't need a warrant to go in a house if they suspect it's involved in a drug ring. But the police really should have been more careful. I hope this man gets justice for what happened to him.
Where's MetroMan today?

I'm going to be away working in Italy until July 4th. Darn! I'm going to miss the season finale of EtobiCoke - The Rob Ford Story. I'll be tuning in via Twitter but it's not the same as hanging around City Hall while all this is going on.
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