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People haven't forgotten about the incident, but the presence of the football players is new to me. Former speculation about this incident was that Bruno Bellissimo would be the possible jailhouse agent of Ford.
The jailhouse beating of MacIntyre, and possible link to Ford via ex-Bosco players, is actually old news. It was reported by the Sun back on Nov. 7. I was surprised at the time that the judge's comments didn't get more play in the media. Ford fatigue I guess. So this very dodgy incident was forgotten by most, until Ford the idiot brought it up again himself. He really has no clue...

Man beaten because he was 'bother' to Rob Ford: Judge

I don't see anywhere in that article where the link is made to his former players. We knew about the beating, but not that the beating was allegedly administered by Ford's former players.
People haven't forgotten about the incident, but the presence of the football players is new to me. Former speculation about this incident was that Bruno Bellissimo would be the possible jailhouse agent of Ford.

Right exactly. I knew about the incident and the judge's comments. But I had never seen anywhere that the perpetrators were possibly people Ford coached.
I'd definitely read speculation about ex-Bosco player(s) being the ones who helped deliver the beating before this morning. Possibly here on UT. It's out there. Assumed it was from the old Pazzano article, but obviously not. Anyway, Robbie is responding to something...
Credit where credit is due: John Filion comes off well in the Star article on Ford's imaginary bloated bureaucracy:

The Star said:
Claiming taxpayers are paying for a bloated bureaucracy is good politics, said Councillor John Filion.
“You could get rid of half the managers and say there are still too many, and a certain percentage of the population will say, ‘Yeah, that must be true,’” Filion said.
“Everybody is looking for simple solutions: Get rid of the managers,” he added.
Filion stressed he doesn’t think things are perfect but believes the bureaucracy needs to be reorganized, not shrunk.
“Too many issues come up where the decision-makers are all at the same level in the organization and nobody takes charge,” he said.

Not only is he right to call out that "axe the managers!" is a political play without substance or integrity, but I believe that he is also right about what one of the main [real] problems with the City is: decision-making.

I don't work for the City, but I am close with people who do; one of the biggest problems is that just about every decision - even trivial stuff like the exact wording of a paragraph which no-one will likely ever read - requires consensus and subsequent multiple approvals.

Hard to see how the sacred taxpayer could lose were the City were to transition more towards a model with clusters of experts working for a decision-maker, rather than the rather wishy-washy glacial groupthink which seems to pervade too much of the City.

Before going off on me for this possibly mildly controversial opinion, please note that I firmly believe that the City employs thousands of hard-working and dedicated professionals at all levels (although - like all organisations - it has its share of bad apples & chair-warmers). I'm firmly in the "let's pay proper amounts of tax so we can get actual decent services" camp.
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I hope ROFO continues to blab to his boyfriend Wormington....loose lips sink ships!

Recall that Ford showed up unannounced to jail and wanted a "tour"....hmmm. coinkydink!

The more I read about this doofus and his gumba bro"s, the more i think I'm watching Tony Soprano running his crew!

Junior, senior and executive capo's.....u guys/gals fill in who u think who is who.
I think this is a story that has yet to come out. A reporter sent a request to Ford for comment and Ford thought it preferable to respond through Warmington.
I'll give this much to Ford: he believes in privatisation, and Warmington is doing a great job as media relations whipping boy for Ford; in the tax-and-spend Miller days that would have been a City position.

Maybe he also wanted to screw over the reporter by passing his scoop on to Warmington.

At this point, I have no trouble at all accepting that as probably true. The Ford clan's collective intelligence is geared towards just this sort of petty action - but not much else.
Let's not lose perspective here. Norm Kelly may look great when he's standing next to Rob Ford, but the guy is one of the most useless members of council. He is a perennial backbencher with no major accomplishments to his name, despite his long career. He's a climate-change denier. Up until his appointment as interim mayor, he voted in lock-step with even the most misconceived parts of Ford's agenda (e.g. firing Gary Webster). He took a Florida vacation in the middle of the ice storm.

Bottom line: Having someone as unqualified as Kelly serve as interim mayor is not good for the city. However, that's what happens when the elected mayor (e.g. Rob Ford) appoints a deputy mayor based on loyalty rather than qualifications (which ended up backfiring anyway).

Thank you.
Good news folks, now Mammoliti is on board for a 0% tax increase. This is going to be one very "entertaining" council session.
I see Warmington is back to wearing his 'I iz a serious investigative journalist' hat again, but all he's doing is offering a forum to Ford (perhaps the only one he'll get right now) to engage in pre-emptive denial ('If anyone tells you I had anything to do with that thing no one's talking about ... yet, it was nothing to do with me'). I'm not sure Warmington even believes him though.

Meanwhile, Goldstein appears to be growing a spine, arguing that Ford genuinely has problems (reading between the lines: mental illness) and has burned up pretty much all of his credibility by lying over and over again.

That leaves Levy as Ford's main cheerleader (even though she's supposed to be covering Queen's Park these days), insinuating that Kelly actually meant to stay longer in Florida but rushed back when it became apparent his absence looked bad. Meanwhile, not a word about Doug Ford being away between Christmas and New Year and then showing up for some me-too photo ops.
I think this is a story that has yet to come out. A reporter sent a request to Ford for comment and Ford thought it preferable to respond through Warmington. Maybe he also wanted to screw over the reporter by passing his scoop on to Warmington.

They just don't know when to keep quiet do they?
Meanwhile, Goldstein appears to be growing a spine, arguing that Ford genuinely has problems (reading between the lines: mental illness) and has burned up pretty much all of his credibility by lying over and over again.
Goldstein said months ago that Ford should resign.
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