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Most people who oppose Ford probably wouldn't slam a politician they liked for being obese.

I don't think we could ever make an objective statement about something like that, I'm just not sure the data exists. We could definitely say though that unkempt and obese politicians are under-represented on council compared to the population, which would lead me to think it is a factor even if our all-inclusive liberal thinking makes us instinctively want to deny it.
Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
Ford has always insisted that he has only skipped Pride because he has a family cottage tradition that day. Now, just said it.

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
Ford: "I'm not going to go to the Pride parade. I've never gone to a Pride parade. I'm not going to change the ways I am." Wow.

All the other candidates said they would attend. This year's World Pride event is going to be huge, bringing TONS of money into the city. You'd think Ford would appreciate that!
Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
Ford has always insisted that he has only skipped Pride because he has a family cottage tradition that day. Now, just said it.

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
Ford: "I'm not going to go to the Pride parade. I've never gone to a Pride parade. I'm not going to change the ways I am." Wow.

All the other candidates said they would attend. This year's World Pride event is going to be huge, bringing TONS of money into the city. You'd think Ford would appreciate that!

You keep expecting not to be shocked, then he admits something like this. Hopefully he'll admit other things tonight.
Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 3m

Student union execs tell me that "personal" questions to Ford, about scandal and such, "won't be addressed."
Then what's left?

Perhaps at every debate Ford attends, somebody needs to ask "If elected, what will you do to address the problem of gangs, guns and drugs in our city?" Alternatively, "What kind of leadership will you provide to address the problem of gangs, guns and drugs in our city?"
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Rob Ford will be charged - TPS source

I ruffled the feathers of one of my TPS sources earlier this week when I exasperated on social media that Toronto Police were letting Rob Ford get away with blatant infractions of the law while the Vancouver Police Department got Ford for walking across the street. That lead to my source becoming more candid than usual and assuring me that Ford would not get away and that minor charges were not being acted on immediately to build a longer record that demonstrates disrespect for the law that will be utilized in a larger trial. Just because a charge was not made on the spot (DUI, public urination, etc) doesn't mean that it will not be in the future. Evidence was taken and witnesses (detectives) gave statements.

Further, I've been told that warrants were indeed granted for Ford's cell and ON Star records and that the TPS is meticulously putting together a case to be presented to the Crown. The question isn't whether or not charges will be laid but when. You heard it here folks: Rob Ford will be charged. It's just a matter of wrapping up the investigation.

I wonder if Chief Blair will afford Rob Ford the courtesy of requesting him to come in voluntarily or if they'll make a big show out of arresting him while ensuring that people (including the media) will be watching. Blair has total personal discretion in that decision and given how Rob Ford has not afforded the Chief that courtesy by deliberately attacking him and given what's at stake for the TPS's reputation, I think that the Chief will elect to have the arrest made either at City Hall or at a public event with the Press around. It could also happen at Ford's house, with the TPS leaking to trusted members of the press when it's going to happen. This will be an arrest of historical importance so I can't imagine the Chief not making sure there's a record of it since he has the benefit of foresight.

I was growing concerned that this vile man was going to once again get away without being held responsible for his actions but I'm now optimistic that his luck is finally over.
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Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 51s
Ford: "I think we have to treat all the youth equally." Can't separate out the gay/trans ones.

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 1m
Ford repeats the lie that his tax increases have been lower than those of any other North American city.

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 2m
Another LGBT question: how will you help meet the unique needs of homeless queer/trans youth?
All the other candidates said they would attend. This year's World Pride event is going to be huge, bringing TONS of money into the city. You'd think Ford would appreciate that!

Something something waste of taxpayers' money something something child molesters.
Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
Ford: "I'm not going to go to the Pride parade. I've never gone to a Pride parade. I'm not going to change the ways I am." Wow.

The "ways I am". Unless a typo from Dale, this is not only a classic Fordian malapropism, but a great title for his memoir. Because he has so many: Drunken Stupor Rob, Belligerent Threatening Rob, Bunbaclot Rob, Crack Rob, Schoolyard Urinating Rob, Lying Rob, Rob The Eternal Victim, best Mayor Ever. Ever. Ever. Rob, etc. There are at least 20 chapters required to chronicle his many facets (he's a complex man - of the people!) so he's covered for content. Still, come October,hopefully those misty, water-coloured memories are of the 'ways he were'.
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Here's a student's tweet:

Adrian De Leon ‏@aadeleon 3m
It's way more shocking to see a bigoted mayor in the same room than on screen. He's worse than the media frame him as. #TOpoli #fb
A guy from Vancouver doing his Phd got a lot of new fans tonight....How can he run for mayor here in TO?

Daniel Dale ‏@ddale8 8m
On graffiti, Johannes says he developed a graffiti-art program in Vancouver involving youth and businesses. Cheers. He's solid.

Ali Rae ‏@FemQueery 3m
Robb Johannes you're the MAN!! Honestly you just won a lot of votes here tonight.
Wow, MetroMan, I hope your TPS sources deliver. It will be a great day for Toronto when it goes down. It will certainly make my day.
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