He was against spending money on NPS I thought?
Yes, and let's not forget the bike parking facility, which was sort of an ancillary of that program. But for those who don't know NPS is undergoing a substantial refit. Still, most of the things on that list are not really things he championed in any remarkable way. Karen Stintz could list them all too.
I mean, his LEAD item is a desk? Why not put the subway there at least? He voted to CUT 311, some of the things are present tense and some past, others are vague and/or subjective (e.g. Stopped out-of-control spending growth at City Hall."), some of them (like that one!) have a period at the end, ...and, how mysterious! He mentions SIX HUNDRED MILLION in savings, after going on and on and on about a BILLION. where'd that go, I wonder?! And it's already been cited but this is good too: "in Toronto is very noTTCeably dropping:"
Total amateur hour all around. I'm almost embarrassed for him.
Right on the front page, what the heck is the "Personal Vehicle Tax"?
How many people here have already signed up to volunteer as an undercover double agent?
You know what else is messed? I'd say 2/3 of his bio is about football. That's just insane. It's a little thing but it really shows what we're dealing with: 3 paragraphs and two are about football, failing to mention he was FIRED as coach and that his little program came within a technicality on an appeal of costing him his job. [slow clap]