Last night, I went back in the thread and read from the Sarah Thomson groping incident til the Gawker crack post, and it reminded me that a while back, someone asked how we all came to the thread. I had been a longtime Ford detractor, and part of me was waiting for him to implode, but I never imagined that it would happen to this magnitude. I first saw mention of the Gawker story on Twitter a minute or two after it was posted - it was actually Kelly Oxford who tweeted about it first. My daughter and I spent the rest of the night going to various websites, following #topoli and refreshing. It was either that night or the next that we found this thread,via a link from Twitter, and you guys have kept me endlessly informed and entertained ever since. I think it was not being able to see attachments that finally prompted me to register 6 months later. But yeah, this thread has pretty much been my Rob Ford crack bible ever since that first night.