Kind of but again this is only a mid rise 26 storey office building,Even in this uncertain economy and Toronto being the financial engine of this country you will probably see a couple more of the 20-30 story range buildings built throughout the next couple of years.Its the 50-80 storey office buildings that we may not see for a while.

We haven't seen anything yet in this recession/potential depression. I wouldn't expect to see anything at all for a few years, unfortunately. Sorry, just bracing for the worst here. :(

Thanks - the question I have is - are there more photos from that particular vantage point? Of itself perhaps? :D


I posted one that I took of the RBC tower in that thread....the other pics I took are of MLS itself, I was there on business so kinda feel it is inappropriate to show the pics of their project (not being coy just trying to draw the appropriate line between my professional life and my web personna/hobby.)

Of course - thanks a ton for getting us access to that vantage point in any event!


no prob.....and don't worry, at the pace they are building it won't be long until there are lots of opportunities for lots of people to take pictures from this is amazing how fast it is going up.
Too bad cbc's doesn't understand that digging a big hole in the ground may suggest that somebody's wanting to put up a building. They think it's probably just... (they really don't know, have to investigate -new news clip!)
There appears to be a a lot of rail-related debris being dug up. Much of it looks like old railway ties.
If nothing else GWLRA is a very conservative, cautious investor. I know that this project was on the back burner for a very long time because they hadn't secured the lead tenant.

They are going ahead because they have secured strong leases backing the project and making a viable investment vehicle for their pool of clients. This project will definitely reach completion and be fully leased.
