I wonder if that sentiment will ever be applied here wrt native land claims, damages etc. Should the children of the sinners be making amends to the children of the victims? Certainly the victims of the residential school system should be compensated, but for how many generations do we need to make amends?
Many of the world's political controversies revolve around just this issue. The Jews kicked the Palestinians out of 'their land' and the world did nothing. How far do we want to go back? The Europeans powers annhilated most of the indigenous populations of the Americas, then shipped over hundreds of thousands of slaves. Is there anyone alive today who was responsible for those acts? No. The Jewish community makes it their banner cry to 'never forget' what the Nazis did to them - and still fanatically hunt down former Nazis around the globe.
JFK? He filled the vacuum in Vietnam when the French left. His true history is yet unwritten.
What did we do to the Japanese-North Americans on the west coast? Was it awful? Yes. Is it not true that German nationals behind Allied lines throughout Belgium, the Netherlands and France blew up bridges, downed phone lines and worse to pave the way for the German blitzkrieg? After Pearl Harbor, the US Pacific fleet lay in ruins. There was real panic that Japan could attack the west coast and possibly invade. The U.S. has, after all, two coasts to protect. When is the Japanese government going to pay China for what it did in Manchuria? Perhaps they should give Nissan to the Chinese, since Nissan was formed by the Japanese military bank to build tanks and trucks in Manchuria, using Chinese slave labor. Don't see that on Nissan's website either, do we?
Stalin was a paranoid maniac. Hitler, then the Allies had to make a deal with that devil. Frankly, we are lucky that Hitler beat his forces silly on the bodies of the Russian army, lest we be speaking German today.
Dresden? Nagasaki? Hiroshima? Considering how many American, British and Canadians died just to take the Philipines back, and how intransigent the Japanese were, can you blame the Americans for dropping 'the bomb?' Besides, many believe Truman was trying to warn Stalin. The Japanese were collateral damage, unfortunately.
And that, boys and girls, is the ugly nature of politics: you have to have human flaws involved. All world powers, from Khan up to the current American hegemon, have had to make deals that were less than ideal. Although I doubt Khan slept poorly at night after he had wiped out an entire town.
We are, by nature, not a forgiving lot. As our globe gets more crowded, we had better hope we exorcise our demons, because the toys any crackpot dictator today can get their hands on make anything that Stalin had look like a firecracker.