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How am I putting my chin up! I just came in to tell you the TR train is going back to Thunder Bay......I didnt even read the whole thread and didnt even see the picture, I just assumed it was the TR which is being preped for delivery back. Sorry dint want to step on any toes.

Put people that frustrate you on ignore. It's not worth arguing with people on a message board, because it just creates a big mess in the thread.
Just ignore them, and continue to post information you have that pertains to a thread. I appreciate the info, even if it leads to not being accurate. You're doing more to participate than these people are in their bedrooms.
Put people that frustrate you on ignore. It's not worth arguing with people on a message board, because it just creates a big mess in the thread.
Just ignore them, and continue to post information you have that pertains to a thread. I appreciate the info, even if it leads to not being accurate. You're doing more to participate than these people are in their bedrooms.

With all due respect Khristopher, I have a problem with people coming out of the blue with unsubstantiated and extremely negative commentary just for what seems to be some form of entertainment.

It seems to me by being direct, politically incorrect at some points, and very critical may be difficult for some people to swallow. Before I came to action from my 'bedroom', this new member who crashed this thread made some statements and claims that lacked competence or attention to detail. It became clear to me that this person was not who he claimed to be.

There are some excited and forward looking people in this thread, myself included. I find the brazen attempt to introduce a maximized dose of negativity just for giggles both rude and unjust. If I am wrong about this guy and his claims, than so be it; if the TTC announces a delay, and if this person is right they have to make an announcement soon, I will admit my fault readily.

I've seen twice as much BS and rumors as I am willing to put up with, so I responded.
Unsubstantiated? Most information posted on UT is unsubstantiated. There are few people here posting who are "in" on things that post information.
He wasn't being negative until he was antagonized.
I have been reading this thread for some time now and just wanted to put some of you out of your misery ;) regarding the new TR . There is a reason why its wrapped in blue tarp, its because they are going back to Thunder Bay. They failed our inspection, total is the case on a first model production....the T1 cars were the same, it is only now that we have them just right. So to sum it up the train in Kingston is going back to Thunder Bay and there is one car which is build now and might pass our inspection. Dont expect a new train here until June-July ....with another few months of testing.... the public might ride them by next Christmas.

You don't think that is negative?

EDIT: And for anyone who has been following this thread, this post shows a poster who hasn't done their homework. Specifically talking about the blue tarp, as has been made clear earlier was not the TR, it was a T1 and that was completely confirmed. Agram then shows confusion when others called him on that misstep.
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Sorry if I didn't spend hours reading your thread. I know what a bloody T1 train looks like, when we got it I was the 2nd person in the Carhouse to be trained on them. Regarding the blue tarp yes it is a T1 but I wasnt counting the number of windows on it, sorry the whole train thing does not give me a woody! The 2 units that were in the crash at Wislon yard are basically scrap, we might make a bastard unit out if them 2 and the other 2 damaged units will be scrap. We were lucky that 2 opposite units hit each other.

The TR train that is in Kingston is not tested by Bombardier employees, the testing is done by us. You are seriously misinformed if you think that as soon as we get the train here it will be put into service. We can't even do any work on these trains until the Wilson complex is completed and by the looks of it its not there yet. The trains are first tested on the test track at Wilson and then and only after that they go onto the main line which is usually late at night and during weekend service.
The 2 units that were in the crash at Wislon yard are basically scrap, we might make a bastard unit out if them 2 and the other 2 damaged units will be scrap. We were lucky that 2 opposite units hit each other.

I have made a new thread, along with new photos, concerning these units since I shouldn't have posted them in this thread in the first place. It is available through the link:

Agram: It's best just to ignore, like khristopher said.
Wait a tick... if the trains aren't tested by Bombardier employees in Kingston... what was the point of shipping it there then?
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Sorry Agram, I truly have a hard time believing you are a foreperson working with the TTC. I have a hard time believing that Bombardier, with the experience they have, could produce products that have 'parts falling off of them'.

Your confusion about tarp-covered cars makes it difficult for me to believe that you are actually making statements of observation or knowledge instead of statements of hearsay or falsity.

I find it upsetting that you would indicate that the problem is so severe that it would cause a delay of an entire year. Not only do I find it upsetting, I find it unreasonable. It is another reason why I am having difficulty agreeing with your claim of credentials.

I am simply engaging critical thought to call your bluff.
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A TTC electrical engineer came to do a guest lecture for one of my classes last week about TTC’s energy storage projects. When asked about the new subway cars he gave a timeline very similar to the one mentioned by forum member Agram. The new trains are to arrive in the spring/early summer with public service in late 2010 or early 2011 (hopefully not the later case). He mentioned the delay was due to issues at both Bombardier and TTC. I'm just passing on what was said... :)
Hey brother what ever turns your crank, but in the end those cars are going back. Dont put too much confidence into Bombardier, when I got hired and was stationed in streetcars I heard stories how the original CLRV went dead in its forst voyage to Humber Loop, so to make it look nice in front of the politicians and reporters TTC simulated what is done if the car went dead. The first batch is always shit......these cars are no exception. Welcome to the real world my friend. Not everything goes to the plan.
At this point, you know what my thoughts are, and there is no need to restate them. If you are right, then we better not see one of these trains show up at wilson or elsewhere until the summer. I'm going to keep my eyes peeled nonetheless. Seriously, I remember over on construction in the Trump thread, we had people who sounded just like you, same sort of claims, same sort of 'substantiation' by other forum members. They turned out to be all wrong.

We'll see. I think I've made my debate, so I'm done.
Relax…..We want the new trains to come as fast as you do, but in reality things don’t always materialize as planned. The main thing is that the new trains will come eventually (a point not being said by these select members you mentioned in the Trump thread), we’ll just have to be patient...:). keep your eyes peeled anyways, you never know (I hope you are right)
Perhaps this can be resolved on the next episode of 'On the Rocket' No one has asked any questions about the TR's, I'll try to call and ask whats the status on them.

Agram, I'm sorry that these trains 'turn our crank' I guess to a TTC employee who see's and drives them everyday don't see them in the way we do. All I see is a of the unknown to discover, especially with the prospect of new technology, improvements on what we love. So I suppose we get a little upset when we face the prospect of them being 'taken away'
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