Another shot from above:

Oh yeah! I forgot about 880 Bay! Me personally, i don't really like the design they have going for 880 Bay (but that could always change)...
the Bay/College area is really booming! is there an official name for the area?... I mean, imo, we have 3 major "hubs" of skyscrapers in downtown:

1)the CBD
3)and Bay/College (any other official name for the area?)

Obviously, it should be considered College Park ;)
I think that is the name that's going to emerge once Aura is complete and the park itself gets refurbished. It's the defining landmark of the area and it's central to Aura/Met/RoCP/Murano/etc
^ Except the " Park" is not called College Park. It's name is Barbara-Ann Scott Park after the 1948 Olympic Gold medalist figure skater.

College Park is a made up name for the weird mall, office complex and apartment block that replaced the Eaton's College Street store in the late 70's early 80's.

However the area has been collectively known as College Park since that time.
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I sort of just consider College Park that block with Aura and ROCP. I would classify the whole neighbourhood as the Bay Canyon or just Bay Street. It's definitely not College Park though, and it's too far south to be classified Yorkville, it's its own neighbourhood.
Great photos, caltrane! This is going much more smoothly than Murano.

Cal: is your avatar the puppet of Jack Donaghy from that 30 Rock spoof on Sesame Street?

guy smiley! - like towered said. Gotta watch 30 rock sometime, barely home, too busy doing skyscraper updates for ya!
I sort of just consider College Park that block with Aura and ROCP. I would classify the whole neighbourhood as the Bay Canyon or just Bay Street. It's definitely not College Park though, and it's too far south to be classified Yorkville, it's its own neighbourhood.

I don't view Bay Street as a neighbourhood. It's a street, and a largely residential one at that (north of Queen at least). College Park has a defiinite identity, as does Yorkville and Chinatown, with Bay street a corridor that sort of borders through them.
^ Except the " Park" is not called College Park. It's name is Barbara-Ann Scott Park after the 1948 Olympic Gold medalist figure skater.

College Park is a made up name for the weird mall, office complex and apartment block that replaced the Eaton's College Street store in the late 70's early 80's.

I sort of just consider College Park that block with Aura and ROCP. I would classify the whole neighbourhood as the Bay Canyon or just Bay Street. It's definitely not College Park though, and it's too far south to be classified Yorkville, it's its own neighbourhood.

I know that College Park is actually the building's name, and I know the park is actually named for Barbara-Ann Scott, but I'm willing to bet that after Aura gets completed and that park ceases to be an abandoned patch of dirt it will become known as College Park, at least in common parlance. Kind of the same way that Yonge-Dundas Square was being referred to as Toronto Life Square by many people before the biulding got sold.

I also agree that right now College Park is limited to Bay/Yonge/Gerrard/College, but again I think that in a few years time when the block is built out and turns into a destination in its own right people will start referring to the entire neighbourhood by reference to College Park. Of course the Met isn't "in College Park", but people will report that they live "by College Park"
Walked by yesterday and saw that Burano and poking overtop of the hoarding. Didn't have a camera though. Can't wait, the shots looking north on Bay should be spectacular for this one!
Walked by yesterday and saw that Burano and poking overtop of the hoarding. Didn't have a camera though. Can't wait, the shots looking north on Bay should be spectacular for this one!

Here you go...

Burano from the north, then the south respectively.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Thanks! And WOW do I ever love the span of architecture in the first shot! (going to get crapped on for this) but even ROCP looks good.
That would be me with the yellow Lab, she's always by my side.
Great progress/shots! I still can't help but notice the similarities between Burano and Shangri-la! They're even like at the same place in terms of construction! This one can't rise any faster too! :D
