Trust me, you're not the only one to go up into uninhabited penthouses at the top of greatly watched projects at UT for the views. Or sneak behind "doors open" at condo projects to get to unfinished units with interesting views.
Trust me, you're not the only one to go up into uninhabited penthouses at the top of greatly watched projects at UT for the views. Or sneak behind "doors open" at condo projects to get to unfinished units with interesting views.

Yeah, obviously. But it was my first time getting STUCK in the elevator for 15 minutes, not being able to pry myself out (until I figured out the stupid mechanism to release the door).

^Beautiful photo!

Looks like some sort of plexiglass for the above ground garage... and the glass point is practically finished. The residents living in this could really put on a show for the passersby!
So the Gooderham tower will go here.

But it's still not clear exactly where the "Clear Spirits" tower will go... I'm doing some sort of Luminato thing down there tomorrow... I'll try to get into the sales office and take some pics of the model(s).
^See, the podium is hot architecture! Ditch the tower and build a 10 story podium building only. They could've even built a public school on top.

The tower portion looks silly up close--top heavy. (The tower as a stand alone building, perhaps along King West--yes a good building.)
/\ Please explain.

When people praise projects/anything on this forum, they don't need to explain, but when someone dislikes something, they have to "prove" it twelve times over. I'll humour you once.

The podium is ugly. The plate glass clashes horribly with the brick buildings next door and helps undermine both the heritage and tourist value of the rest of the distillery. The checkerboard bits (piers?) are awkward. The brick panelling, er, 'masonry' is of terrible quality, worse than the new opera house...why bother cladding it with brick if it's going to look that bad? Everyone here thinks it's hot stuff because of the laneway it recreates but praising a building for its massing is like citing a girl's attractive personality.
They are both going into that picture. One will replace the building with the sign in the back. The other will be closer to Cherry Street.
Clear Spirits is going in that 6 story building (they are taking down that building brick by brick and reusing each brick when they rebuild) and part of the parking behind the two tankhouses on the right of the picture.

The Gooderham will be built on the two tank houses on the right of that picture.

The amenities building for the distillery condos is going in where the parking lot is located.

This is what the sales office told me about a year ago.
/\ Scarberian:

I don't agree with you about the failure of the podium; I think its a funky addition to the otherwise solemn context of the DD. My inquiry about your 'hotly' worded statement was however, simply a request for more information and not the 'challenge' which you perceived. Thanks for the clarification though.
Is that long wrap-around building going in as well? Didn't a part of that win a competition awhile ago?

...I know there was a thread about it but I can't remember what it's called.
I don't agree with you about the failure of the podium; I think its a funky addition to the otherwise solemn context of the DD. My inquiry about your 'hotly' worded statement was however, simply a request for more information and not the 'challenge' which you perceived. Thanks for the clarification though.

I was just preempting a dozen additional and identical posts (ten dozen if certain Clewesianistas became involved). Still, no one asks for clarification when people like something...responding to dislike invariably equates to picking a fight on this forum.
Oh my, they've covered the essential garageness of the parking garage, and did so with frosted shower glass.
