W. K. Lis
Tunneling under Eglinton West in Etobicoke would be dumb indeed. The corridor is wide and can easily accommodate surface / elevated LRT with enough room left for the traffic lanes.
The reason Eglinton West in Etobicoke is congested isn't that it has too few traffic lanes. The reason is that the areas those cars are going to do not have capacity to let them in.
It makes sense to build the Eglinton West LRT section to higher standard than a no-frills light rail line. This line will connect to the Pearson terminals and the Airport employment area; a large percentage of riders will travel end-to-end rather than to minor stops in between, and will benefit from a good speed.
However, that doesn't need to cost as much as a full tunnel would. Some sections will be perfectly fine with a street level LRT, and some can be elevated over intersections. Wider stop spacing with parallel local bus service is appropriate, and the same bus route can continue east of Mt Dennis all the way to Yonge.
The major problem are the cul-de-sacs in Etobicoke that pedestrian have to add extra travel time and distance for. Instead of grid layouts for the streets, the roads (and any sidewalks they might have) go into loops and crescents. Taking away mid-block stops (IE. Wincott, Lloyd Manor, Eden Valley, and the others) will make for even longer walking distances.
See link.