If you have a metropass, a lot of people use transit for shorter trips, and many use it multiple times a day. I did when I had a metropass.
Is 500-600m stop spacing unreasonable to you in all situations? Would you for example remove half the stops the Bloor subway, or Yonge south of Bloor?
For example, if the Yonge subway south of Bloor had close to 1km stop spacing, it would be: Bloor, College, Queen, Union, with Wellesley, Dundas, and King removed.
If it were 2km spacing (which is the distance from Eglinton to Lawrence), it would be Bloor and Queen.. and that's it.
The point I'm trying to make is that different stop spacing is suitable for different environments.
As a side not, why does this station in particular offend you so much? I would much more inclined to remove Ferrand or Lebovic stops than any of the underground ones.