Here we go....Out of all the projects going on in Toronto I think I'm most excited about this one - the look down university from Queen's Park is going to be amazing, esp when MARS gets its second building
I guess they're done with excavation now! So that means a crane should hopefully be up for this one by the end of the year?

I doubt the hole will be finished by the end of this year. I'm thinking the hole will be finished by spring of 2008 and crane installed by summer or fall of next year.
They would be able to put this thing up like a tent in Dubai or would go to bed one night and wake up with a new building the next....
Yeah, but they use slaves in Dubai, here or tradespeople make a minimum of 50K. On top of that lots of health and safety regulations topped off with heaping amounts of gov't regulation. That'll slow ya down for sure.

Developers in Hong Kong or Dubai don't have to deal with that type of hassle I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, but they use slaves in Dubai, here or tradespeople make a minimum of 50K. On top of that lots of health and safety regulations topped off with heaping amounts of gov't regulation. That'll slow ya down for sure.

Developers in Hong Kong or Dubai don't have to deal with that type of hassle I'm pretty sure.

Dubai definitely but HK I'm not so sure. I'm not saying that they're as steeped in bureaucracy as we are but I wouldn't make such a direct comparison.

I've heard some pretty crazy things about the work camps in Dubai - AND they get those lazy slaves to work round the clock on a day shift, night shift thing...

"Lazy slaves, isn't it enough that I LET you work on my building - and now you want PAY?"
Hopefully they include a neon Coca Cola sign on the roof so we can close that other thread.

LOL, frankly I think the Coca-Cola sign was a key player in the Metropolis pizazz.

Caltrane you are right, although quality is paralleled, Dubai and HK have way less hurdles during their construction, and I'm sure bribing is more prominent than here.
I doubt the hole will be finished by the end of this year. I'm thinking the hole will be finished by spring of 2008 and crane installed by summer or fall of next year.

Actually now that I think about it, this one probably will have a crane by the end of April at the latest I'd guess.
re: Hong Kong

Corruption is not very common in Hong Kong these days. The Corruption Perceptions Index 2006 ranked Hong Kong 15th best, just behind Canada at 14th. Bribery used to be very rampant in HK until the 1970s, when the ICAC was formed to target corruption.

Cheap labour, however, is a problem over there. Ironworkers in Hong Kong recently went on strike to protest their low pay. Unlike Dubai, HK workers are fortunately not treated like slaves.

Forbes article on the strike
the scaffolding looks like the same style that they had up before that had the big ad banner on it, only this time it is set back from the sidewalk.. definitely doesn't look like it is related to construction being imminent
re: Hong Kong

HK until the 1970s, when the ICAC was formed to target corruption.

One of Murray 'Murder' MacLehose many programs. Besides going into 'battle' against Deng Xiaoping over the issue of sovereignty after 1997 he contributed much to the built environment of HK. I did an extensive report on housing in HK and his Ten Year housing Program from 1972 and his satellite cities were a large factor in the 'second wave' of development. He also oversaw much of the MTR construction so we should all love him for that!


and hes just so DAMN good looking!
the scaffolding looks like the same style that they had up before that had the big ad banner on it, only this time it is set back from the sidewalk.. definitely doesn't look like it is related to construction being imminent

Oh, so they are building a sales centre perhaps? Maybe repaving the parking lot.............

I always thought this one would begin construction in late spring of 08'. The october construction date seemed a bit rushed.
