I don't know much about the actual construction process, but I'm really astonished at how apparently easy it is to add floors to a project that is already under construction. I would think that such addition would involve all sorts of logistical, design, and structural safety issue, far too many to be addressed when the building is actually rising. Is it that the developer already has alternate designs ready to go, and has plotted out everything with this contingency in mind?
Just about everything is so over-engineered that the building specs can generally accommodate modest expansions without impinging on safety factors in any meaningful sense
One Bloor may be an exception because of the previous height approvals for that site but other buildings add floors generally before it's out of the ground so it can't be that difficult an adjustment. Within Ward 27 Councillor Wong-Tam is hitting the developers up big time for section 37 funds if they ask for extra height and she's not playing around with none of this $50,000 per floor nonsense, she's hitting them up for big bucks. For one of the "off Yonge" projects she commanded a cool million dollars for five additional floors - no negotiations, take it or leave it.
Within Ward 27 Councillor Wong-Tam is hitting the developers up big time for section 37 funds if they ask for extra height and she's not playing around with none of this $50,000 per floor nonsense, she's hitting them up for big bucks. For one of the "off Yonge" projects she commanded a cool million dollars for five additional floors - no negotiations, take it or leave it.

Hahaha:D, i like that...good for her:cool:
I don't know much about the actual construction process, but I'm really astonished at how apparently easy it is to add floors to a project that is already under construction.

The structure could support many more floors. I wouldn't worry about that.

The only considerations in my mind are shadowing and potential wind issues.
when you are constructing a 70 story building its easy to add 5 floors

there is not much structurally that has to be done, builds of this size are already so large and the foundation already having to be able to support millions of pounds adding 5-10 more floors is not much
when you are constructing a 70 story building its easy to add 5 floors

there is not much structurally that has to be done, builds of this size are already so large and the foundation already having to be able to support millions of pounds adding 5-10 more floors is not much

Whether that's true or not is a non-issue in this case. There is no foundation - they're still excavating.
Whether that's true or not is a non-issue in this case. There is no foundation - they're still excavating.

My question was more about the impact on logistics and design -- can the builder simply call up for 7% more material from their suppliers? Does this addition shift the timing of construction? And how does this alter the actual design -- it is easy to slot in new floors and maintain the existing design, or how does it get altered? And, more generally, would the builder already have the alternate plans and construction schedule drawn up prior to even applying for the addition?

I guess I thought that a huge project like this would be more tightly scheduled and designed, such that these kind of additions would be difficult at this stage.
Jan 27
Given where they are on excavation, its not that hard to go back and look at the foundation to see how many more floors can be added before beefing it up.

What every the out come is, there will be extra cost right across the board to add these extra floor as well pushing the completion date back by X months depending on the number of floors.

I think most of us disagree with the original height considering it was shorter than what was to be built there in the first place. I would like to see the 80+ floors as first proposed, but I can live with 75. Someone got to break the 80 level sooner or later, but most of all the 100 floors and 300m ceiling.



i agree ^ and i think it's imminent. obviously it won't be One Bloor, but right now, developers are getting comfortable proposing these 70+ storey buildings,
the bar needs to be raised.

next up. i think we'll see 85 floors.. possibly a supertall

but i think it will be at least 15 more years till we see 100.
I love how fast this one is moving. Any guesses as to when they hit bottom?
Three months (which included Christmas) to get here from breaking ground, I'll say we see a crane in May.
