Agree it could be iconic... instead of words here's a scribble:



  • Friday.jpg
    70.5 KB · Views: 920
So sorry I missed this meeting yesterday!

When this was originally introduced I understood it would be rental. Now it's listed in the database as condos. Can someone confirm?

And I love the architecture either way.
Hmm? looks taller from those renderings...i guess it's because everything around there is under 100m
Maybe part of it is also the short podium? I'm used to towers this tall being built on top of a much taller podium.
But yeah, this is what, twice the height of anything currently built? Not that I'm opposed.
As striking, original and beautiful as this design is, it seems out of place in the leafy, old guard environs of Yonge and St Claire.

I can't figure out why city forces can't nurture these kinds of projects in more appropriate locations where they can become city icons and add untold marketing value to the city brand. Instead, we have them sprouting up (or proposed) in places like Missy, Prince Arthur and now here, where their iconic value is wasted.

Still, I hope this tower gets built--as per these renders--as it might instill a sense of shame into the local copy and pasters. Unfortunately, the nimbys will assemble with torches and pitchforks, while the DRP and city planners will reject it as out of context, or too unusual.
This would easily be the best condo project built in the past 20 years in this city. If this building doesn't get built as proposed due to the direct result of either: a) NIMBYs or b) City Planning, than there's something truthfully and significantly wrong with the city.

We've already seen that kind of non-sense happen with one truly unique proposal at Prince George in the core. If it happens again, we may as well just surrender all plots of lands capable of being developed to the likes of G+C and P+S/IBI. That way we'll just have blue and grey spandrel laced box projects that they would be thrilled to have.
