Mar 2






Looking very handsome. Love that the mechanical penthouse will be hidden. They are currently working on the roof
Bravo Daniels! I've given some pretty harsh criticism of their buildings in the past (and frankly it was deserved), but this looks like it will be fantastic.
Haven't been the hood for the past 18 months outside of Queen St until today and this one is better than the other one.

Have to wait to see what the south side will look like, but it only a hole in the ground at this time.

The TCHC building doesn't look bad at all.


There is seriously no pleasing you, this is one the most unique developments to go up in a while !
Wait til he sees something with an aA label on it. Funny because I seem to remember you raving about the black blank wall that the four seasons presents to the street. Especially considering it is well over 8 floors and has no brick.
aA? They may be "mainstream" good but no, I prefer JDS, S+P, H5, and currently my absolute favourite Toronto architecure firm, JCI Architects--their fusion of historic and modern is fantastic!--get them onto some Yonge Street condo projects ASAP! (You may note JCI has some possible upcoming condo projects--Richmond Street West, Yorkville & Yonge & Eglinton, Queens Quay East (looks like LCBO or Loblaws Jarvis site, etc.)
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^Ha thx. My philosophy, like JDS Architects is to treat every single site as a "special opportunity" to do something creative, beautiful, and timeless. Imagine if the great cathredrals of Europe had been built with cheap materials and zero craftsmanship? Yeah not a nice thought. If you're investing multiple millions of dollars in a new "sculpture" that will stand for generations--in today's Toronto that means a condo tower--why not show off your best?
Labour laws? Minimum wages? Health benefits for workers? Clients? Financing? Unions? Politicians? Material speccing? The OBC? The NBC? The ADA? The AODA? Zoning by-laws? Official Plans? Urban Design Guidelines? Heritage Conservation Districts?

Buildings are more than just pretty, plastic forms. There are many forces at work shaping any given building's 'design,' often for years before even the most keen keyboard jockey is able to find a preliminary render in some unsearched corner of the internet. Really, the idea of someone (as talented as Julien, no doubt (or Peter, for a more local example)) simply sitting down and saying 'here's what we're going to do, it'll be a 'special opportunity'' is inaccurate and quaint.
^I may be but a dreamer...but I'm not an idiot. I know all about the realities of this town. What I'm talking about: Stuff like River City vs stuff like here, CP, LV, WQW, etc. Do we need more BIGish stuff here? Yes. But by special opportunity I mean actually think about the long term effects of a project. RP started out on the right paAth...but is ending up just another bland corner of the city. I am really speaking to developers & marketing departments here: Surprise me & u!

Compare to similar projects in Montreal. What this city is lacking: an ingrained self confident aesthetic/design culture. Toronto does not need to import its architecture (BKL for example? Really?) but actually make use of all the talent that's here to educate the masses.

I'm dreaming I guess....;)
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