...and don't get too comfy as you'll be playing the trombone in a private suite very soon. I think going residential is a much better solution for the building. Indeed I'm actually surprised an upscale boutique hotel wasn't proposed for the place.
Me too. I think the Concourse has W written all over it. Why don't they think so?

The building might not be so wonderfull on the inside. Might be easier for W to go new rather than try something with this building.
I dont know...i bet it would be incredibly expensive to do the W modern makeover in that kind of building
W's thing in many cities, Montreal and New York included, has been to take an older outmoded building with some character and give it new life.

Fantastic news! I'm really glad to hear it. The nice high office ceilings should make for great units, too.

The city should grant them an additional density bonus to be used elsewhere just for doing that.

Absolutely. That's a really good idea. Not only an air rights transfer, but also a heritage preservation bonus.
From Urban DB:




There's only a handful of residential buildings currently in the financial core (1KW, Graphic Arts, 33 University, any others?) if you define financial core as Richmond to the North, Yonge to the East, University to the West, and Front to the South, so it's nice to have another.
The Concourse Building is so over-rated. It looks so dull. The only somewhat notable part of the building is the cheesey mural over the entrance.
MWB: Those aren't flame-retardant clothes in your avatar, are they? You're going to need some. I'll just step back a little...

