Here is the information from the city's report summary (the full report is apparently not out yet):

Application Type: OPA/Rezoning
Application Number: 07 257217 STE 28
Status: Under Review
Address: 120 Adelaide St W
Ward: 28
Proposed Use Type: Commercial
Proposed Use Description: Proposed 48-story mixed-use building with 23 stories of office and 25 stories of residential uses and five story underground parking
Proposed Non-residential GFA sq m: 8,735
Proposed Residential GFA sq m: 31,231
Proposed Total GFA sq m: 39,966
Proposed Units: 403
Lot Size sq m: 17,996
Application Date: 08/28/2007

The area numbers make no sense. I must assume that the 'non-residential' area given is for the 5 floors of underground parking, since 8,735 square metres for all 23 office floors is preposterous -- I would expect about as much as the residential total. Say another 29,000 square metres for office space giving a total of about 69,000 square metres or about 740,000 SF.

Some tidbits of info:

  • The proposal includes the demolition of 85 Richmond Street West which is an 11 storey historically designated office building and 22 Sheppard Street which is a seven storey above grade parking structure.
  • WZMH Architects
  • Oxford Properties Group
  • 5 levels of underground parking (782 spaces)
  • southwest corner of Adelaide Street West and Sheppard Street
  • FSI 11.1
  • 6,190 sqm of retail proposed
that should be southwest corner of Richmond and Sheppard


I assume that it's the building on the SW corner of Richmond and Sheppard that will be demolished.

No, the Concourse building is on the NW corner of Adelaide and Sheppard. According to the proposal, the building that's getting flattened is the one on the SW corner of Richmond and Sheppard (across from the Sheraton Centre), and the adjoining parking garage to the south.
