That sucks. I was expecting a photo update.

I don't think in all the years they've been producing those CEO reports, that there has even been a photo in any of them.

That update is a month old - the next one should be out in a day or so.

Use your imagination. It's sad that people seem to be unable to use their imaginations nowadays, with all the video games and televisions and such.

I'm not sure how photos would help you. The CEO report is a pretty good document in terms of transparency and putting facts (and figures) on the record in a consistent and objective manner.

In contrast, the TYSSE web site seems to get updated less frequently than it did during the tunnelling phase, and it doesn't really give a sense of how the project as a whole is or isn't coming closer to completion.

If you just want to peek into a construction site, there are vantage points up at York U.

- Paul
Well.....$400 million over the revised budget of $2.5B....which is an increase from the original cost estimate of $ this may end up costing about double the original figure.
Where - and particularly when - is the original figure from?
likely circa 2002 when they were looking at it only running to steeles and no actual design or serious consideration had been put into the project.
At the end of the day not that big of a deal considering it is an investment that will be paying off for many years.
At the end of the day not that big of a deal considering it is an investment that will be paying off for many years.

$400M or a 16% overage is no big deal? I think the $2.5B had a 10% buffer in it as well so 26% over initial estimates.

This attitude that we can throw money around like this is what is wrong with transit infrastructure. And why so many cities are going for P3 type projects. They know the company will make a bit of profit but there are always these cost overruns that corporations somehow manage to mitigate but city hall staff keep on throwing around money.

There are what...1 million households in Toronto & Vaughn (including renters)? What if city hall told us each to pay $400 more of property tax?

Completely unacceptable management of a project.
This is completely unacceptable. This is a huge amount of money. To put it in perspective, nearly 6 km of LRT could be built with this.
At the end of the day not that big of a deal considering it is an investment that will be paying off for many years.

That's quite backward.

This is a sink-hole that we will be paying INTO for many years; around $30M/year for operations subsidy.

This line isn't going to create $1B in new economic activity per year (10% in personal/business taxes collected is $100M, to roughly equal the ongoing $30M in operations and $75M/year for interest on the capital investment).

This line is a very poor investment. Lots of happy feelings (like Scarborough) but very poor from the financial side.
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