Very pleased to hear that Red won. It will really open up the intersection and feel a bit like a town square whereas now it is a bit drab.

I'm also glad they didn't choose a design that was reminiscent of the South Market. Because then I worried some people would refer to them as the New Market and the Old Market. I wouldn't want to see/hear that.

Orange was rightfully chosen second. I like the rooftop park idea as it made the building more of a public realm instead of just the ground floor.
At this point what you see isnt necessarily what you get. These designs were judged at a schematic design level, which means of course when we go through detail design you are bound to see changes, possibly significant. Outside of program compliance and design integrity (and a bunch of other stuff) there is also that small matter of budget. I guarantee that after a detailed budget review you will see some changes. A fin drops off here, a courtroom goes missing there, glass turns into residential grade aluminum siding a la ROM... I'm not trying to be debbie downer here mind you, I absolutely love the chosen design and with such a significant building I sure hope the city will deliver.

Thanks for those sober remarks. With what we have experienced the last few years, I think even the most spirited UTer will be sitting on pins and needles dreading the usual assessments, delays, NIMBYism, cost-cutting and material changes.
... and stationed myself as close to the food as possible.

The danishes were good; I should have gotten a few more.

The woman who was setting up the food got so excited at the announcement she jumped out of her shoes. Everyone seemed very relieved that we didn't get the Mississauga Chapters design. Pam McConnell is probably very happy she's got a legacy now; they'll name a swimming pool after her when she dies.
"This is Toronto's special place. It is everyone's special place. In fact, amongst cities, it is recognized as being the most special of places."

-Pam McConnell (roughly paraphrased)

"It is a love based of giving and receiving as well as having and sharing. And the love that they give and have is shared and received. And through this having and giving and sharing and receiving, we too can share and love and have... and receive"

-Joey Tribianni (wedding speech)
Here's Hume's take. Video by the Star:

The danishes were good; I should have gotten a few more.

The woman who was setting up the food got so excited at the announcement she jumped out of her shoes. Everyone seemed very relieved that we didn't get the Mississauga Chapters design. Pam McConnell is probably very happy she's got a legacy now; they'll name a swimming pool after her when she dies.

Maybe give her a Viking Funeral on the water.

I thought they were croissants? I Hoovered them down, whatever they were, and some melon. Then up to Bills on Pape to buy more plants ... and so to work.

For my fans: I make a brief appearance at 1:05 on the video.
I thought they were croissants? I Hoovered them down, whatever they were, and some melon.

They probably were. I believe I was on the Apple Danish side of the room.

I also make an appearance in that video!

Hint: I am not Christopher Hume.
