SLM is one of the few attractions in the core that I think needs more parking rather than less. Reduce parking on condos, offices and sight-seeing attractions all you want, but anywhere where people go to buy large bulky items or large amounts of groceries should have ample underground parking. Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but the plans for the north market were cheapened before they decided to add the extra floor of parking, so it's unlikely we would have ended up with a better designed building had they decided not to dig as deep.
Others have done it, including myself, but you can see why its a certain type of individual who would do that. And I don't think very representative
The new North Market will be more than the Sunday Market. The parking courts will generate parking demand during the week and getting the farmers and antique people off Jarvis on the weekends is a benefit from the new parking.
.... it's not as if the existing market has suffered from lack of parking.
The parking is primarily for the Courts but it WILL be useful on weekends when there really isn't too much near-by. (The weekend farmers and antiquers can also park their trucks there rather than on King.
Yeah I agree. Mandatory minimums for cars just continues the incentivization of private car ownership. I understand having some parking, but having to add another whole level at the expense of the actual market building is ridiculous. The city should be instead looking at ways to improve public transportation in the area, including building bike lanes and widening sidewalks.

Minimum parking requirements are hardly enforceable given the concession made to dozens of other developments. Perhaps the addition income generated from another level of parking is what will make this project financial viable?
This guy right here did it once :)

Not really, I've carried everything from chairs to TV cabinets to huge area rugs to huge paintings on the TTC. As long as you do it outside of rush hours its not really a big deal. I commonly see others doing the same.

I've carried plenty of furniture on transit, as have many of my friends.

Plenty of people have done exactly that - myself included (not a jam cupboard, but an easy chair).

Others have done it, including myself.


For sure

In the past week, I've seen a few people tag-teaming large screen tvs on the subway and streetcar, and on Saturday afternoon saw two guys walking home a Christmas tree from the market. We generally buy and carry our tree home from a local store.

There are also a few people with some serious cargo bikes in the city as well as some bike-cargo delivery companies.

Alternative transportation rocks :)
