I think the term 'waste' is often thrown around to describe things we just don't like. Rich people are wasteful because I'm forced to get by on less

your argument doesn't make sense..Are rich people wasteful, or is it because people are rich that they CAN be wasteful?..or because people are rich, and they spend lots of money on things that they can be wasteful?

"where are ppl going to walk"?

If I recall Richmond, Queen and King are mere minutes away from Adelaide! Last time I checked, walking from Adelaide to King took me 33 seconds.

I mean on Adeladie walking East and West. Right now, the North side is blocked. So people have to walk on the South side (Trump lot). If South side is blocked as well...how are people walking east/west on Adeladie?
I mean on Adeladie walking East and West. Right now, the North side is blocked. So people have to walk on the South side (Trump lot). If South side is blocked as well...how are people walking east/west on Adeladie?

They won't be able to unless a covered walkway is installed when the hoarding goes up on the south side. Otherwise they would have to walk up Temperance or down to King
Adelaide will be history for the next few years. Too much action on both sides to allow a covered walkway. Though I wonder why closing Temperance wasn't enough for Bay Adelaide that they needed the Adelaide sidewalk as well.
I wish we could see what the other BA towers look like and i wish they would do all 3 at the same time lol! More density and skyscrapers :)
Sales offices, waste, Trump:

I remember M5V Life trumpeting the fact that their sales office would be fully reusable at another site - and isn't it supposed to be the first LEED certified sales office? If I have that right, kudos to them, and to others who will no doubt take inspiration from that in the future. In regards to Trump, there's nothing about that brand that says "sustainable" or "eco-friendly" to me. Instead the word Trump reeks of excess. I'm not surprised in the least that the sales office is coming down. I will be pleasantly surprised if they do a good job or recycling or reusing the components. If they do, it would be good PR to trumpet that fact.

Adelaide, sidewalks, waste:

This walking along Adelaide thing could be rectified by a new sidewalk underpass tunnel from the west side of Bay to the east side of Yonge. Get digging, boys. When the tunnel is no longer needed, it could be filled in with the rubble of the Trump sales office.

More Bay Adelaide Centre:

b13 - you want it all now? Don't tell us, tell their leasing company. Have your credit card ready.

A waste? It's hardly that. Spending a few bucks to build a nice sales centre to market a high quality project like this makes all the sense in the world. I can't imagine doing it any other way.

Just because something isn't a waste of money doesn't mean it isn't a waste.

chopping down a tree to print a copy of anne coulter's new book might be profitable but it's a waste of a tree. now, buying anne coulter's new book would be a waste of money.
I mean on Adeladie walking East and West. Right now, the North side is blocked. So people have to walk on the South side (Trump lot). If South side is blocked as well...how are people walking east/west on Adeladie?

There will be a covered walkway going east/west on Adelaide as well as north/south covered walkway on Bay on the S.E. (Trump) corner of the intersection.
your argument doesn't make sense..Are rich people wasteful, or is it because people are rich that they CAN be wasteful?..or because people are rich, and they spend lots of money on things that they can be wasteful?


My comment on the rich was sarcasm not a statement about how I feel about the rich. To address your point, I think it's probably true that the more money you have the more opportunity you have to waste, but that has nothing to do with my point.
Just because something isn't a waste of money doesn't mean it isn't a waste.

chopping down a tree to print a copy of anne coulter's new book might be profitable but it's a waste of a tree. now, buying anne coulter's new book would be a waste of money.

I think you explained it perfectly, and illustrated why it is hard to agree on what constitutes waste. There are many who would consider Coulter's book a waste of paper, and many who would insist on its importance. How do we evaluate? How do we know the tree was sacrificed for noble purposes? How do I rank books in order of their wastefulness?

The same is true of the sales centre: there are some who, satisfied with what it has provided, see it as justified; others, perhaps seeing it as an eccentric use of materials that could have built something else, who see it as unjustified. Both parties will have a very different view on the wastefulness of the venture. It comes down to values about how best to use resources.
A sales centre is an important sales tool otherwise they wouldn't construct one. Do you not use a resume when applying for a job because you think it is a waste of paper?

If I could submit it electronically instead.

I don't think that anyone is arguing that sales centres aren't valuable or necessary but that it is wasteful to build a temporary building to house one when there are other options available - like Shangri-la chose to do. Obviously there aren't always other options available and some sales centres are less wasteful than others. The Cityplace sales centre will be around for probably the better part of a decade. If Trump's sales had been to plan, the building would have already been gone a long time ago. I'll even concede that it is likely that building a disposable building on your own lot might be cheaper than renting space in another building but a "use it once and throw it away" building is still wasteful.
I'm thinking this discussion should be moved to it's own thread. Every time I come in here as of the last few days expecting to see some update on Trump, it's just more ramblings about sales centre impact on the environment. Honestly I don't care.
