I can understand the concern over spandrel over-use, especially when mis-matched to regular glazing colour, but pre-cast concrete is a perfectly acceptable material. Go take a look at One St Thomas. 99% of people would not know it wasn't stone unless viewed up close. It can also look lousy, but don't write off a material just because it can be applied badly.
This is a disaster in the making. Tridel certainly doesn't deserve to build such a prominent tower. It's their land though so alas...The problem goes beyond the choice of cladding, which is a concern given the 300 Front disaster. The design itself is a failure fundamentally. There's no connection between tower and base, the tower itself is banal and slabby, a calamity for the postcard skyline view from the islands, and the top is unresolved. There should have been an international design competition for a building of this magnitude - same for Aura - but Toronto doesn't seem to care about design, when push comes to shove.
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Agreed, Toronto has great vision for where things go but not what they are! Sadly, what attracted me to these forums is becomming very dull and boring. For design and purpose sake. Im still a fan of ice, aura, trump, L and Shangri-la but after them not one project has really stood out as far making a statement JMO.
^^ What about Theatre Park, Picasso, 1 Bloor, The Thompson and Market Wharf?

And Condovo, you do make a good point. We need a few international design competitions. If Mississauga can do it, why can't Toronto?
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Im still a fan of ice, aura, trump, L and Shangri-la but after them not one project has really stood out as far making a statement JMO.

Torontovibe makes a good point: Thats just a list of all the tallest new buildings in the city. If you look around there are some great new buildings. A building doesn't have to be tall to stand out amongst the crowd.
Precast is a fantastic building material, especially in Northern climates like Canada. Spandrel is fantastic too. But put both in the wrong hands and that's where you get problems.

I've been doing a lot of research into precast for my "designs." It can be an interesting and indeed innovative material.
Your right. I just ment out of the newer and the taller buildings that stand out. theres plenty of great smaller projects and offices. like Mars, Pier #?, Sick kids reserch, pan am villiage. and the list goes on. The projects being preposed over 150 m arnt all that incredible to me. im really scared how theaters crown will look in the end. The rest of it will be nice im sure though.
anyone know when they'll start digging for this project?
1 york (harbour plaza) started way after this project and they've already been building for a while...
Not sure if your question is a joke, but they haven't even started construction yet haha. Once 60 stories of concrete is poured then we may know roughly when it will top out. Estimated completion sometime in 2017 or early 2018.
Not sure if your question is a joke, but they haven't even started construction yet haha. Once 60 stories of concrete is poured then we may know roughly when it will top out. Estimated completion sometime in 2017 or early 2018.

no I was serious.
