News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 02, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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News   GLOBAL  |  Apr 01, 2020
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  1. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Well. My one wild year has come to an end. You guys should be thanking Goldkind, Shirtless Joe and Folks guy. 35% for DoFo? Could easily have been 40% without those guys. SMH
  2. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    She's right I don't know Doug Jr and I dislike him strongly. When I first came here, I kinda liked RoFo because of the worldwide laughing stock he made my old personal nemesis...then I got to "know", er learn of what utter pieces of shit they all are, and have come to sympathize with TO, for...
  3. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    My guess is that Doug Sr was as good a parent as MoFo. In other words he probably wouldn't have cared how his spawn treated it's spawn. Unless said spawn was stealing money.
  4. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Be careful tempting the gods. (Remember Ghostbusters, after all) Could you imagine if Doug Jr inherited all of RoFo's money/drug empire? And then opening the "Rob Ford Memorial Center" a right wing think tank dedicated to the taxpers and advancing the late great RoFo's ideas, ala the Manning...
  5. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yeah I guess... I rate as a lil' rich, but just a little. EDIT quotes gone wild. I was giving my guess for what Blackbelted vegetarian successful captain of industry Doug Jr said.
  6. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Are you suggesting the TO media has or had ethics? This is the same bunch of professionals who collectively turned their head and coughed as RoFo was an "open secret" drunk the first 2 1/2 years he was on the "job". I would bet $2k that there are plenty more sleazy stories about FoFam that are...
  7. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not "kind of" it's exactly what he's doing, the lemur, from Churonno. Did you hear me, the lemur from Churonno? Ok, good. Do we have an understanding, the lemur from Churonno? So transparently threatening, I wonder if it's some kind of message for the rabid-er FoFamites? Perhaps we will hear...
  8. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Put me down for Police as the word he won't dare utter. He has probably been scolded by Tavs or Hotmail to lay off taunting the cops. Darkhorse: perjury per perfect partying prince's pimp/pusher's punishment.
  9. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Not in the pic with A Smith (before he was killed over the vid). EDIT: tried to reply to comment about his suit being his crack smoking uni. Sorry, eh.
  10. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    When does the election prediction pool close? I want to see if there are other great minds...
  11. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I doubt Doug Jr is empathetic enough to consider lube. I'm certain he'd use coercion, blackmail, intimidation and unholy heaping of lies, lies, lies. I imagine him sitting in his Meryl office summoning his minion councilors on to a dramatic carpet to be brow beaten and threatened. With most...
  12. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    So, DC supporting Doug Jr would be the straw breaking the camel's back, not his obnoxious endorsement of StRoFo?
  13. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I wonder if the Bassos actually still "like" StRoFo, or if that sign is just there to tow the FoFam party line? Like, was His Worship's Crack Whore doing him for feelings(shudder) or money? What happened to Riinse? Who are/were they? Were the 18 cops that attended the post pipe-beat down scene...
  14. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Child endangerment!
  15. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Thank you yet again. The more these kinds of angles get discussed, the sooner the FoFam stops having Tavern's protection...too hot to handle. Like, it that hard earn a couple hundred grand moving weight? $5k from Rabbie to Lisi x 10 could bring back a nice return... Especially with...
  16. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Repaired that for you. Nothing is unbelievable with FoFam. . You should be working on/in politics (if you aren't already). Astute point, Tory is certainly "white privilege" BUT not a colossal fuck up lying asshole violent crime-supporting piece of trash while Ford has gone done his...
  17. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Too far man. He has cancer, and there for has been absolved of all previous and future assholery.
  18. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Yes. Yes I do. (If someone could grab the pic, that'd be great to keep the worms clicks to minimum. )
  19. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Could his clothes be more ill-fitting? That hat looks like he stole it from a shriner.
  20. F

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That one with her and her sister...makes me wonder how much Joan Rivers procedures she's had done, just like all regular people. Not elite at all. I think it's quite clear how they feel about her from her placement in all the pics with to the side or at the back. Never front or...
