W. K. Lis
To put things into perspective...
I wasn't even alive back in '93, I got no clue what the island squatters are about (and I guarantee I am a more educated voter than 90% of this city), and I am of voting age this election.
Whatever it is, it definitely is not something that is a pressing election issue. I don't know of any vilification of Bob Rae, but Mike Harris and McGuinty governments left a terrible taste in the mouth even though I was but a small child under the Harris government.
The only blight from the past that could impact this election is Chow/Layton "living under subsidized co-op housing" during the 90s, and despite Sara Thomson's insistence, it hasn't made any impact on this election or people's opinions of Chow. If that doesn't, some unrelated island squatter non-issue from '93 definitely won't make noise.
For the ...th time, Chow lived in market-value housing.