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kEiThZ;939649. All this let's the province off scot-free for their inaction and/or cuts on the social services file. Her platform would prove great said:
The problem with your reasoning is that the provincial not in a state of inaction its in a state of tearing up the social contract that Ontarians are proud of. The Liberal (in name only IMO) crew are busy with the austerity portfolio. They are currently using one of Harris' old tactics of getting people with disabilities off long term disability by demanding proof of disability from all on the system. The amount per month doesn't cover basic needs as is and now they must jump through hoops to maintain the status quo. I for one want to live in a society where we care for our most vulnerable with dignity. Also policing is a city issue and the next mayor will have pull regarding the next direction for the TPS.
Just listening to the debate on Newstalk 1010.

"How much does a family of four with two teenage kids need to live comfortably in the City?"

Ford: Blah blah blah
Tory: $100k
Chow: $60k

Does Chow actually have a clue how much it costs for a family to live in the city without resorting to subsidized housing?

I was thinking the same thing. It's like she thinks the rest of the cost will be provided by her social programs.
I thought you were a Chow supporter?

Anyway, it's true in some sense. Housing is by far the biggest expense for any household, and if you're lucky enough to get into RGI housing you are by definition guaranteed to get affordable rent. Of course a family making $60K will never qualify for any subsidy, and that's part of the problem: working poor/lower middle class people aren't poor enough to qualify for subsidy, but can't really afford to make it comfortably on their own either. Unfortunately Chow doesn't seem to understand that...
Just listening to the debate on Newstalk 1010.

"How much does a family of four with two teenage kids need to live comfortably in the City?"

Ford: Blah blah blah
Tory: $100k
Chow: $60k

Does Chow actually have a clue how much it costs for a family to live in the city without resorting to subsidized housing?

This is actually really disappointing answer to me. As a second-generation immigrant whose parents are thinking of moving out of Canada due to high living costs despite making well over what Chow considers a comfortable wage for living in the city, and as someone whose watched my parents struggle to maintain a middle-class lifestyle over my childhood despite making more than 60k, I just don't understand where she is coming from at all. To make matters worse I am an only child, and the question was addressed for a family of 4.

It is actually galling the more I think about it. For all the criticism Tory receives for being out of touch with reality, his answer was spot on and Chow's out of touch.
At debates, I think Tory comes off much more of a leader and is much more well spoken than the other two.

I know that Chow & Ford attempt to turn this into a negative by saying he's a "smooth talking politician", and others will say that personality, likability or speaking style shouldn't matter, but I think it probably does affect some voters.
The disc ourse has been balanced IMO does not qualify as an attack.
Surely making completely false allegations about Chow ever living in public housing is an attack.

Chow never lived in public housing. How can claiming she lived in public housing not be an attack?
Unfortunately most progressives do not concern themselves with figuring out which level of government should provide which service... an abdication by one level just means that the next one can create their own localized version.

This is true and I am guilty. But T.O. has such a massive proportion of the provinces population that the mood of the city is often a harbinger of the whole and can have far reaching effects.
It is actually galling the more I think about it. For all the criticism Tory receives for being out of touch with reality, his answer was spot on and Chow's out of touch.

To be honest, I was thinking if she misunderstood the question and thought each parent had to make $60k per year. But then she doubled down on her answer.

$60k for a family of 4 would be closer to poverty in Scarborough let alone downtown, or "living comfortably".

If she really believes this, she is seriously out of touch with the very riding that elected her as MP. Rent at my rather average two bedroom condo is $2100 per month in her riding. I'd like to know how a family of four will survive on $60k per year with $25 000 in post tax income on rent.

We don't all have access to RGI co-op....
Surely making completely false allegations about Chow ever living in public housing is an attack.

Chow never lived in public housing. How can claiming she lived in public housing not be an attack?

Alot of people do not understand the concept of mixed rate housing in this case a co-op. Its time to foster understanding perhaps persuade some people to rethink their choices. K eithz is not polar opposite from leftism . He has made positive comments re:Chow and her ideas. I can see things getting hot around here in the next few weeks. I just think attack is a strong word for what I read. IMO of course.
Just listening to the debate on Newstalk 1010.

"How much does a family of four with two teenage kids need to live comfortably in the City?"

Ford: Blah blah blah
Tory: $100k
Chow: $60k

Actually Ford said $75 to $100 k
Alot of people do not understand the concept of mixed rate housing in this case a co-op. Its time to foster understanding perhaps persuade some people to rethink their choices. K eithz is not polar opposite from leftism . He has made positive comments re:Chow and her ideas. I can see things getting hot around here in the next few weeks. I just think attack is a strong word for what I read. IMO of course.

You have to get used to nfitz's hysterics around here.

I said public housing. That can include the whole spectrum of housing from rgi co-op to subsidised housing, as long as it's publicly owned. Some have subsequently misconstrued that to argue that I implied she lived in subsidised housing, when I said no such thing.

In any event, my point was that a lot of the public would take offence at any couple with a six figure income retaining such housing when there are many struggling families making less on the waiting list.

And if Chow and Layton thought there was nothing wrong with it, why move out a month after the story breaks?

Ancient history, but not irrelevant if her supporters want to start attacking Tory for points from the 90s.

Ultimately though I'd do believe she'll lose because the public is laser focused on mobility in this election. And she's on about affordable housing, daycare, etc. Those aren't priorities for most voters this time around.
Olivia Chow: Yesterday's Woman. Still reliving old battles while the rest of us (or at least 80% of us) have moved on... No one told her that Socialism is Dead.
